Watching the debate between Nigel Farage and Nick Clegg has - TopicsExpress


Watching the debate between Nigel Farage and Nick Clegg has reinforced my view that Greens really do need to articulate a fresh and holistic vision. According to polls conducted after the BBC 2 debate Nigel Farage came out with over 60% of the vote over nick Clegg. We may wonder why Nigel is getting so much coverage in the media and why the BBC even considered hosting the second of these two party leader debates? Whatever we may feel about Nigel Farage and his politics, and I am certainly no fan, he is capturing the popular imagination. Why? Because he is articulating some sort of vision and comes over and really believing in something different, whereas many, if not the majority of politicians, seem very negative and hopeless. So here is my conclusion. People are ready and willing to be captivated by a clear and passionate vision of what could be and what can be. They are totally fed up with negativity and are now ready to hear and be inspired by real vision of a new world - no less. How many of us can say and articulate just what a new world would look like - a world based on compassion, trust, sustainable values, meaningful and inspiring work, equality, peace ..... Go on let your imagination and creativity loose and dont allow your conditioning to scream be realistic, be practical be pragmatic. Oh how easy it is to scoff at the idea of utopia! But what has the realism brought us to - a ruined, war torn and unfair world dominated by a small minority of rich and dominating pragmatists. There are visionaries out there, but rarely in politics. Here are a few current ones I find inspirational ( you may have your favourites too)... Charles Eisenstein, Vandana Shiva, Satish Kumar, and yes, they are integrating holistic spirituality with real action in the world. Take a look at how popular Pope Francis is becoming as he articulates his vision of a more equal world and in trying to reform a very conservative and largely discredited faith system. Am I calling for a Green Gandhi or Martin Luther King, yes perhaps I am .... Or rather a new generation of people with real vision and with a enough passion to make fools of themselves for the sake of our children and all life on this precious planet. The Futures Bright - Our Futures Green - but do you really believe it? I rather suspect there are many of you who might sympathise with my soapbox ranting, but I dare say some will consider this madness? Whatever, I believe, yes believe, that we can do things differently and we can articulate real vision and that a better world is not only possible but essential....You may say Im dreamer, But Im not the only one
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 10:29:03 +0000

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