Water to Wine: A third day miracle: In John chapter 2, we read - TopicsExpress


Water to Wine: A third day miracle: In John chapter 2, we read about the first miracle Jesus did to show forth His Glory. It is an odd miracle because no one is healed, set free or delivered. It is only recorded in the Book of John and its significance is for this hour we are now living in. John starts out by writing, on the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. What is so important that it happens on the third day? What third day? Third day after what? Why start his writing about this wedding like that? Beloveds, the spiritual meaning of this miracle is of the most important information we need to rightly relate to the work of God in this hour. In the year 2000, We entered into that third prophetic day of the Lord. Peter writes, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day. So from Christ ascension to 1000 was one day, from 1000-2000 was the 2nd day, and 2000 began the third day. The day we are transitioning form the church age to the Kingdom age. It is interesting that the last book of the Bible is called the Revelation of Jesus Christ. After 65 books you would have thought we would know Hiim clearly by then. Yet, Rev 1-3 is the beginning of the third day work of the Lord in His house. It starts with John being caught up on the Sabbath day in the Spirit and He sees hears Jesus voice like a war trumpet calling him. When he looks He sees Jesus standing in the midst of the 7 churches with eyes like fire and feet like bronze. Jesus is standing in the church on the 7th day from Adam and 3rd day of the church burning like an oven with a voice that is crying out to us to repent. Why should we have to repent? Because throughout the last 2000 years, God has brought restoration to us by movements of the Holy Spirit. Each movement lasting a period of time and then stopping. A continued restoration up to this day: Each movement brought a little more restoration of the Kingdom reality to our life, but many stopped at the point of blessing instead of pressing up stream to the source of the blessing Jesus Himself to be changed into full grown sons. In these first 3 chapters of Revelation, We see Jesus speaking to his people and burning like an oven. He has come to be faithful to complete the good work He started in us. This speaking, this burning is a period of time at the closing of the 2nd day and beginning of the 3rd day. He stands in the 2nd day with a call to come into the 3rd day by repentance. In Rev 3:19 Jesus says,Those whom I [dearly and tenderly] love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten [I discipline and instruct them]. So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and repent [changing your mind and attitude]. This is the doorway into the 3rd day and the call to come out of the horizontal church age system trying to spread the Gospel of Salvation to the beginning of the vertical 3rd day Kingdom age found in Revelation 4: 1 In that next chapter John was already in the Spirit on the Lords day, but there is a second catching up. John hears in a loud voice, come up here. Jesus was still standing in the close of the church age church system with his feet like bronze, but in the 3rd day, He was upward and thus calls John to come up here. From Horizontal 2nd day church to 3rd day Vertical Kingdom of God: The third day begins with a change from the horizontal church system life we have over known to the upward call of the Vertical Kingdom of God age that we are now to experience and walk in. Jesus says, I want to show you the things that are going to come hereafter. This is a prophetic place of understanding, revelation, and instructions of what the Lord is about to release on the Earth to establish His Kingdom for 1000 years. Jesus invitation changes from speaking to the church at the end of Revelation 3 to speaking to each of individually. Verse 20, Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he [will eat] with Me. This individual call gives us a new spiritual position not one from the church age but now from the Kingdom of God position of true power and authority of the Lord as full grown Sons and Daughters. Verses 21 and 22 say: 21 He who overcomes (is victorious), I will grant him to sit beside Me on My throne, as I Myself overcame (was victorious) and sat down beside My Father on His throne.22 He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the [Holy] Spirit says to the assemblies (churches). Beloved, This concludes the day of the horizontal church age. We can no longer go any further reaching the lost and doing church as usual with the present level of experience in the Holy Spirit and expect us to grow into maturity in Him and with one another. To change this dynamic, He has to come in a way we have not seen or experienced before. That is why so many places I have gone to, the people received the blessing of God, but lost the purpose of God in our midst. They were looking for another movement, or another something from God. A fire in our midst: A call to repent In Revelation Chapters 1:12-15 Then I turned to see [whose was] the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lamp stands, And in the midst of the lampstands [One] like a Son of Man, clothed with a robe which reached to His feet and with a girdle of gold about His breast. His head and His hair were white like white wool, as white as snow, and His eyes [flashed] like a flame of fire. His feet glowed like burnished (bright) bronze as it is refined in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of many waters. The Lord Jesus is standing in the midst of the 7 churches or fullness of church age time and he begins to systematically tell us our spiritual condition as He sees it with eyes like fire and feet like bronze as a refiner of silver and gold. The reality of our real spiritual condition is what brings the greatest opposition to this present moving of God in His people. When I have shared this and the Holy Spirit began to uncover the skirts in a region of its true spiritual condition, every religious spirit from hell attacked the message and the messenger. For the Holy Spirit Invasion to come and change us from water to wine, we must face ourselves in the reality of the way those eyes of fire from Jesus are looking in us and through us as He sees things. If you read Rev 2 and 3 you will see that though the churches boasted of much works they are doing in the horizontal church age they are still lacking much from Jesus point of view. Many were doing more works than when they started knowing the Lord, and even tried those who say they are Apostles and are not. He even mentions that our works are more numerous then the beginning of when we met him. Yet he still says, I still have this against you. In Chapters 2 and 3, Gods people have deserted their first love and dont see how far we have truly fallen from God. All throughout these chapters over and over there is one cry of the Lord who eyes burn with fire, repent or else. He says, if you dont repent, I will take away your candlestick the symbol of Gods presence. I will come to you like a thief in the night. I will throw you on a bed of affliction since you tolerate Jezebel. I will strike her children dead. The church at the end of the 2nd day is tolerating the doctrine of the Nicolaitians, The church is tolerating Jezebel as a prophetess in the house of God. The church even has a reputation of being alive but are dead and encouraged to strengthen the little they have left or it will be taken from them. At the end of the church age in Revelation chapter 3 the church cries we are rich and need of nothing, but Jesus says, the church is blind, poor, pitiable and naked ,and in reality they are lukewarm ready to be spewed out of His mouth at the end of the church age. At the end of the these three chapters, Jesus stands at the door and knocking on the door. After 2000 years, there He is on the outside trying to get in. Not to save us, but to complete us. He gives an invitation for us to open the door if we here him knock. Are we hearing this knock of Jesus on our hearts? Or are we still doing business as usual. A deeper work then we have ever known: Pentecost to Tabernacles This Holy Spirit Invasion is the deepest inner work we have ever experienced by the Holy Spirit. It is different from all the past moves of the spirit. The past moves blessed us, prospered us, but hardly changed us. We often stopped at the point of the blessings instead of pressing in to the Blesser God Himself. This Holy Spirit Invasion is not a movement but a moving within us. It is refining us like gold and silver with the purest Holy Love we have ever known. It is to bring forth the fulfillment of John chapter 2 and Isaiah 60 where he says, Arise and Shine for your light has come, and the Glory of the Lord shall be seen upon you. Personally, I know my wife and I, and others are being changed more and more by this invasion each day. The things that would bother us in the past are fading away into the light of Gods love. Things that would have taken us a long time to get over, dont even touch us now by the grace of God. Not that we are perfect yet, but we are being changed from water to wine now and our becoming perfect as he is perfect, perfect meaning maturity. That is the glory of this Holy Spirit Invasion and our transition out from the Feast of Pentecost into Feast of Tabernacles. Pentecost brought us the submersion of the Spirit of God in us with gifts and callings. Tabernacles brings us into oneness with the Lord as a wheel within a wheel. It bring us into true unity with God in His love and then love for one another like we have always prayed would happen. Tabernacles brings us to the reality of God continually in us as we loose our life and identity with this world and join Jesus in saying, Offerings and Sacrifices you have not desired, but a body you have prepared for me. Tabernacles bring us into the reality and experience of being a living sacrifice, holy and blameless for the Lord Himself. A third day miracle: A third day Glory! You see the Lord prophetically showed us this day would come in John 2. He is going to do a miracle to demonstrate the process of the Holy Spirit invasion and why He is doing it. The Father knew there would be a day when Jesus would be invited to a wedding of the third day. The third day that will begin with a knock on the door of our hearts to let Him in to sup with us and us with him. It would begin on the 3rd day wedding feast at Cana of Galilee where the wine will run out. It will usher in the deepest work of love we have ever seen and change us from water to wine. The dialogue starts with Jesus mother coming to him and tells him, Jesus they have more no more wine. He says, Woman what is that to me, my time to act has not come. That is a strange answer to a request about the wine being all out from his mother. Why give that answer to her? Because, when Jesus tells her that his time has not yet come, he was speaking of today, our time, right now at the end of the 2nd day it would seem like the wine of Pentecost from 2000 years ago would seem to run out. It is at this crossroads in time Jesus sends us the Holy Ghost Ship to come in. Why did he say, his time has not come, yet we know he is going to perform a miracle to help them in that place where Jesus was? Beloved, His mother ignores his answer and tells the servants to do something what he tells you to do. That is a key to this moving of God and our crossing over from Pentecost to Tabernacles. That is what the Lord needs from us to be able to be changed from water to wine. The servants of God must do only and exactly what Jesus tells us. In the church age we had so much mixture of flesh (what we want to do for God) and Spirit (What God wants to do through us.) It is that very mixture that has made us lukewarm at the end of the church age 2nd day ready to be spewed out of Gods mouth. Yet Jesus goes into action anyway. Jesus rises up and gives commands for us to see that a miracle is coming at the beginning of the 3rd day that will finish the work He started. It will be the miracle of Glory that God is going to fill His house with and bring forth the Sons of God into Glory. John writes about this miracle , that this is the first miracle Jesus did to manifest His Glory. Yes, Beloved, this first miracle on the third day is what God is doing now. He tells his servants, go fill up the 6 clay pots to the brim with water. These were ordinary pots set apart for feet washing. They had no special place in the house of God, symbolizing that God was going to use the ordinary people not Laity to bring about his purposes. The servants then go and do all Jesus had spoken. They go and fill the pots up to the brim with water. In the last part of the 2nd day church age in the 90s we had the day of the river is here. Toronto, Pensacola, Smithfield revivals and renewals came. The Lord renewed, refreshed His bride with the water from heaven for most of the 90s and early 2000s. The stealth work of the Holy Spirit: An inner miracle! In 2004- 2010 something different came: What was different? Lets look at John chapter 2. Jesus said to the servant draw some out and bring it to the Master of the feast. Jesus could have said, take all the pots bring it to the Master of the feast and pour them all out and changed of all the water into wine in front of everyone like the past movements had done, but He doesnt. He does this miracle in secret and out of the view of most of the people as He is doing right now in the church. This miracle of changing water to wine happens on the journey toward the Master of the Feast. The word of God tells us that on the way to the master, the cup that was filled with water changes to wine. We dont know how it happens? No one can explain in? No men were involved. No ministries involved. It was a sovereign act of God. When they bring the sample to the Master of the feast, He marvels to the host. Everyone else serves the best wine first till people get drunk and then put in the cheaper wine, but you have saved the best for last. This Holy Spirit Invasion is so stealth not many can see it or receive it because they must have a heart for the Kingdom of God. If ministry and ministering is your end, you will miss this work that is happening right now. Yes, beloved of the Lord there is a miracle happening right now. A miracle under the radar, undercover. Those who have heard the knock on the door of Rev. 3. Those who are repenting of any of that sin found in Rev 2 and 3 in them and turning to the fullness of God are being changed now from water to wine. Those who have not been partakers of those sin are also changing from water to wine to be the new breed of leaders and pioneers for the new day that has dawned. Why in secret and not in front of men. Because it is a change of day miracle. It is a divine paradigm shift from one age to another. So this is a prophetic sign of the changing of the days and the work of God in the hearts of His people and it is the very best God has to finish us. Grace to it, Grace to it. One minute the cup was full of water, then all of a sudden it is wine. That is what is happening in all those who are experiencing the Holy Spirit Invasion of Holy Love in their hearts. It is not happening in those who are are still looking at the horizontal church age to continue in that direction. It is not happening where their church is more important than God, or their work for God more important then their love for God. Many will keep going to church, but they wont experience this deep work of God. Many eyes are still focused on the next move of God or the next revival, buy they wont experience it! Many will keep running to meeting to meeting, prophet to prophet to hear a word of the Lord and they wont experience it. Many wont let go of what they built in His name and will keep doing 2nd day church age business of usual and wont experience this Invasion of the Spirit of Love that changes us from water to wine. This is prophetic of why Jesus says, draw only some out. The some are the maturing sons of God who are ready for this day of Glory. The some are those who have made themselves ready as a Bride makes herself ready for her Bridegroom. The some are the wise virgin who have extra oil in their lamp to go out and meet the bridegroom at the midnight hour. The Master of the feast is saying of this remnant, I have saved the best for last to finish you. When does this happen at the end of the church age. At the end of the age when the wine seems to be all gone. Today beloved of the Lord, Pentecostal churches that were birthed in the fire and glory of God, dont even speak in tongues anymore, sing in tongues, give interpretations of tongues, prophecy is not welcomed, gifts of the spirit hardly used. The Pentecostal church has been reduced to having a form of Godliness but denies the power there of in to many places. Thank God there was a wedding at Cana on the 3rd day. Thank God Jesus is going to finish what He started in us and change us from water to wine. This is the Holy Spirit Invasion that has come under the radar. It is not a movement so we can soak, it is an INDWELLING SO WE CAN BURN WITH THE HOLINESS OF GOD THROUGH HIS PUREST LOVE! Will you let this work of the Holy Love invasion consume you? Do you want it? This is the time and the moment to ask him for that Love Invasion. If you are looking for outward ministries, you will miss it. If you are looking for it so you can build something for God, you will miss it. If you look for it for God to build you and finish you into maturity you will experience the deepest fire of love you ever have and you will be changed from glory to glory and come forth as a full grown son of God ready to do His will. Selah!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:20:48 +0000

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