We (America) have spent over 3 Billion per year in aid to Israel, - TopicsExpress


We (America) have spent over 3 Billion per year in aid to Israel, mostly for military purposes. Far lest than we have in investing in our own poor. We have built israels Iron Dome to which Jon referred so that the small rocket fire supposedly from Hamas has fired into southern Israel would not penetrate Israeli urban areas. All life is important and priceless however consider this: Total Israeli civilian casualties: 2 Total Gazian casualties 1,050 from strikes in urban areas. Is this really a war about Israels right to defend itself or could it be an extinction or massacre? It is not even possible for Hamas to do harm to Israel without encroaching upon and breaching their boarders. (Which no one has) Please watch what your tax dollars are supporting and consider if you still think it is a just cause. If your reason and compassion moves you to say no, speak out! Let your voice and vote be heard and help shut the violence down. Millions and millions have been spent in lobbying our politicians to give us a false media window of Israels morality to keep funding coming. Dont hide your eyes from the truth. Do your own research on the history of US foreign policy in the Middle East and learn the truth about the more than 150 billion that has been given to Israel from American tax dollars and why. Be responsible!!! Watch with your heart and listen with your head. Thank you. By the way... Be aware that Im being called a conspiracy theorist because Im learning the truth and speaking out against the majority of mainstream medias false portrayals of these affairs. The cost of conscience.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:20:55 +0000

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