We Humans Healing Humanity are bring The reality of The what - TopicsExpress


We Humans Healing Humanity are bring The reality of The what European calls economic austerity,however Thanks Almighty Humans Healing Humanity Greek Populace has spoken against European Corrupt Austerity Nations like Great Britains United Kingdom,Portugal,Ireland,Spain and so on.This picture is about United Kingdom Slough with their British falsely convicting people not have a paid job,even homeless them and their repressive repression is now with Jobcentres.Our We Humans Healing Humanity economic austerity was worst European Econominc Scam inhumanity and We Humans Healing Humanity not surprise as The Greek Populace have shown their best,that they are the one that brought democracy into Europe from Africa now falsely manipulated Western Nations worsr Democratic welfare economies......it is sickening ,but the general people of Britain would defended by worst human corruption now British Slough Thames Valley Police are the worst corruption with Slough Jobcentre.Today Our Mens Man was meant to see his advicer at five past eleven A.M called Adam Richardson and Our Mens Man was there ten to time.Other saw him went to wait,as supposed to sign ar five past eleven.The advicer called Adams Richardson came down at 11:45A.M.Then started talking about,then responded that it is not The CV,as employers are calling,but as has always told them,the false convictions orchestrated by British had and still made life hard to get a paid job.Then,Our Men Man Amour Amodu said to him you know the truth,then why can nt you tell your Slough Jobcentre Management and them follow the obstacle UK works and Pension secretary of states.Then logged into The Universal Jobmatch account and all jobs applied for was updated.Then as usual same old British Corruption their much of public sectors work to create problems or ruining people,but his is because now The Slough Jobcentre has Britisg police to repressed The people,they have caused conviction for with no sustainable reliable welfare and akwats caysing problem into the people life.What sort of Democracy is this in Britain,so corrupt unbelievable and thet do not want no one talk of tgeir ever increased evil corruption.However Our men man Amour Amodu had is say,questioning should British Welfare Democracy should be run on The worst Human corruption.Mainly their police falsely orchestrating convictions of Black People to denied them paid job neither sustainable welfare,but huge number of white and asians could convicted have paid job or even higher paid job or even sustainable reliable,but not Black People.As spoken out they came with some of,their, out of touch securities and our mens man Amour Amodu as fearless he is,question why should Britain being fake in fair governance.Walked out as asked,Adviser -not updated his job search prove and even appointment given.So,snapped these pictures of British Police via Thames Valley Police working with Britain Slough Jobcentre repressing Britisg poors to their deaths.This why The Greej Populace are right to reversed Economic Austerities ,which based on false economics.As The Greek Populace that started democracy in Europe and entire Western Nations have spoken against European Austerities Inhumanity based on The worst inhumanity global economic fraud clocking,your clucking click Feel reality of repressive repression British Police with Jobcentre corruption awakening evil of death upon the people of their repressive repression governance...
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:45:18 +0000

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