We LOVE happy Tails! This is about Noelle, a senior that was - TopicsExpress


We LOVE happy Tails! This is about Noelle, a senior that was adopted last week. Noelle joined our family at 8:30 a.m. last Saturday. We were concerned if she would immediately accept Ben since we had been told she had some man issues at her first foster home. We had decided to keep her regardless since we thought time would be on Bens side. This was an unfounded concern. Noelle was fine with both of us from the beginning. I use crutches so I was glad these did not scare her. Her adjustment has been amazingly rapid to us. The first night she was afraid she was going to be locked in our bedroom alone until she realized we were all going to be in there - no problem now. She did not like the looks of the crate the first day, but every night since she has chosen that place to sleep, with the crate door open, since it is in our bedroom. Ben took her to our vet Tuesday so she would be in their system. Our vet felt her lame left hind leg and limp/stiff gait was due to degenerative arthritis. She was prescribed glucosamine, which Ben puts in her food. Pam is going to send us a digital copy of the hip x-ray her vet did and our vet is hoping her knees will be included. Pam and Matt were very good about faxing the lab results taken just before we got Noelle to our vet, which arrived while she and Ben were in the office. Noelle is about 10 pounds underweight. Because of this Ben has decided to feed her on demand. So far she is loudly demanding five meals a day! She eats well since Ben cooks for her. He adds tuna or part of a can of dog food cooked with rice to make a moist meal out of the Purina ONE she gets. She does not seem to like crunchy foods or treats. She is also demanding about her morning walk and when she needs to go outside. A very vocally communicative dog! She sleeps all night but thinks 5:30 is the time to get up! Ben usually gets up with her, but on occasion has just taken her out and gone back to bed. She has had no accidents in the house which is very good. This first week we have not encouraged friends over to meet Noelle, wanting her to get used to us and her new home. She has been very accepting of the people she has met. She has not been alone since she arrived. Yeah Noelle!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 02:00:00 +0000

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