We Must Cease & Desist All Dissension in the Body of CHRIST! By - TopicsExpress


We Must Cease & Desist All Dissension in the Body of CHRIST! By Larry Harris II The most high living GOD has given all of us the ministry of reconciliation; meaning to build a bridge of relationship & have council by discussion with those who dont know JESUS is LORD & SAVIOR of mankind in entirety! HE is the bridge for each individual to come and get direct access to HIM through HIS only begotten Son YESHUA HA-MASHIACH, JESUS the lamb of GOD who takes away the sins of the world and gives accessibility to all GODS promises starting with salvation, restoration and increase in all things... We who have been selected, chosen, called and responded to the call of GOD on our life must proactively, relentlessly practice by demonstrations, exhibitions and being an examples & vessels of honor, valor, grace, integrity & courage! All power and authority in heaven & on earth has been given to us who have made the choice to choose to accept, believe, confess claim, receive and allow, let & have J.O.Y. (JESUS Overtake You) in all areas, aspects, circumstances and situations, you & I may be confronted with through adversity which brings struggles that cause emotional, physical and spiritual growth & maturity... As leaders let us start with one another by speaking life to the life of our fellow leaders & co-laborers in CHRIST our MESSIAH! Our GOD is an awesome GOD and HE is a GOD of increase in all things. HE wants us to be a committee of one encouraging, exhorting and inspiring one another. By doing this you pull on the anointing, stir up the gifts and cause increase in others and you... Its yours & my attitude that must be replenished to bring about spark & ignite transformation as a catalyst by getting rid of stinking thinking and allow the mind of CHRIST to give you a check up from the neck up with HOLY SPIRIT transplanting & giving you a new heart which is HIS! Your heart & mind form a connection that build pathways which fill your heart with the unsearchable riches & treasures of JESUS so that out of the abundance of the word of GOD filling your new heart the mouth speaks of the goodness & promises of GOD... You & I must be willing to frist bring every thougjt we think into captivity, under subjection and subject to the will of the word of GOD! We must voluntarily be willing to follow the most high living GOD even though we dont understand what HE is doing & our mind is confounded; meaning confused. HE will confound your mind to test your spirit... Remember: Our thoughts are not HIS thoughts, are thoughts are foolishness to GOD and HIS thoughts confound the wise! JESUS has come restoring our Kingdom identity to us being who we are Kings & Priests after the order of Melchisedek, joint heirs with HIM, ambassadors for the King and manifested sons of GOD charged with mobilizing our fellow mankind to take back through having dominion, subduing, replenishing, occupying & colonizing the earth as a colony for the Kingdom of Chris Heavens Boamah Frimpongn... GOD is the lover of our souls and the author & finisher of our F.A.I.T.H. (Fearless Actions-activated Inside The Heart) and HE has our future on HIS mind giving us HIS f.a.i.t.h. (full assurance-activated inside the heart) that is guaranteed by and is the surety bond, title deed, foundation & basis being the blood of YESHUA HA-MASHIACH, JESUS the CHRIST smeared upon the mercy seat that HE became for all of mankind! Thats why HE made us all redemptively equal; meaning all HIS sheep covered by the blood of JESUS, yet different in the operation of offices... So let us cease & desist and put away our differences for they are petty & foolishness to GOD! Give GOD all the glory, honor, praise and worship with the redeemed of the LORD shouting hallelujah JESUS...
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 22:28:59 +0000

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