We all know the government is spying on us and other countries. We - TopicsExpress


We all know the government is spying on us and other countries. We all know our current and quite frankly last four presidents have been puppets placed for those whose sole purpose is destroying american cohesiveness and community. As well as the American economy. We all know that our president has been discovered funding terrorist regimes and Mexican drug cartels. But apparently what we dont know is how to stop it. Have we become so inured to the lewd, inhumane, and ludicrous actions and words? Now the new normal is, being lied to by the very same people we elected to represent us. The new normal is to criminalize Americans citizens while lauding international terrorist regimes. The new normal is to make you feel guilty for believing in God, and family. The new normal is making you purchase a health care insurance plan from a place DESIGNED to fail, cause ill let you in on a secret, they KNOW it wont wrk thats why they did it. they want your money taken directly from your check like SSI. The new normal is to make excuses and pass the blame to whoever (did you know the chick from the IRS who resigned over that scandal is making almost 4,000 a week on leave?) The new normal is drone strikes on mostly civilians and children, while being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. The new normal is dollar so severely devalued that its worth 34 cents now. The new normal is a food supply that is being contaminated and taken over by companies who make pesticides and pharmaceuticals. Farmers being bullied out of their livelihoods, A water supply thats been poisoning us for decades. A banking system that loans us fake money it prints and lets us use for a substantial rate of interest mind you.. A political system designed to fail the voters. An system of schools that are forced to teach a government approved syllabus. A national network of newspapers and tv stations that are all owned by the same four companies. The new normal is bullshit. The country is broken, folks, its time to save it. ~jess
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 17:00:29 +0000

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