We all want to live a happy and prosperous life. A life in which - TopicsExpress


We all want to live a happy and prosperous life. A life in which we are proactive in creating the right circumstances and conditions that will help us to realize our hopes and dreams for the future. But sadly, many people are not doing this because they are afraid! They are afraid, because sometimes doing things to fulfill their dreams involves risk. A willingness to move out of their comfort zones. And one of the things people are most reluctant to do; Is to move out of their comfort zones. The truth is, no matter how badly you want something. It will rarely just fall into your lap. You have to work for it. Chase after it and actively create it. Many fail before they have even begun, because deep down they do not believe it is possible. They will think of a million and one reasons why it can’t be done. Rather then finding one reason why it can succeed. Positive thinking is paramount. Procrastination serves no one, especially you. Surely it is better to try and fail, then never to have tried at all? I would be willing to bet, in your old age, your thoughts will linger more on lost opportunities and not being brave enough to go after what you wanted. Then dwelling on the things that you did do, but brought you no sense of achievement. Of playing it safe. Dare to move out of your comfort zone!!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:00:59 +0000

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