We are angels of Darkness & Light, born to embody a brand-new - TopicsExpress


We are angels of Darkness & Light, born to embody a brand-new existence of laughter & love, of vulnerability & pain, of honest heartfelt gratitude towards the beauty & brilliance of the Beloved. We can play hide & seek in each other’s dreams as we hold hands & run knee-high through a field of stars! I love the way lovers lips dance, each kiss is a tiny explosion of tenderness & desire, each touch a remembrance of the softness of ourselves in the skin of one another, the symphony of our breath dancing wild & untamed with the wind! What I have discovered in the pages of you is a truth more valuable & lasting than all the scriptures of all the religions of the world. I want you to be free Wild-Love, free of resentment, blame, & suffering sorrow I want you to know the freedom & ecstatic happiness of pure being. I want you to know this love of mine, which is without condition, & that says in the silence: be as you are Wild-Flower, beautiful & blossoming in absolute surrender to the magic of the moment. The woods are my sanctuary, the DreamingTree my temple, the Earth, my home. My favorite parts of existence are the looks in peoples eyes, the transformation in their hearts, & the undeniable recognition that something truly beautiful is happening. It is a story of remembering our ancient past, & resurrecting some dormant part of who we once were, it’s about Love... true unconditional Love it’s a deep unmitigated pain & overwhelming sorrow, like catching angels tears in buckets. It’s a song of forgiveness & freedom from fear a naked dance covered in earth & laughter. It’s an honoring of the mother, & embracing of the father, like looking across the room & seeing how beautiful all the other you’s really are. It’s a Great-Oneness being spoken by the wind, an invitation to join in the recreation of reality! Sometimes I walk through the woods smiling out-loud with laughter & tears, amazed & grateful for the dream my life has become. Seducing Shaman’s & mesmerizing medicine-people, kissing each other into consciousness with words that become worlds, & songs that serenade the heart strings of spirit. What happens when you challenge the world to be as beautiful as it can be, simply by being the most beautiful You? Then things will never be the same. Let there be but one conviction of complete & utter thoughtfulness, practiced in sincere gestures of compassion & kind action let us offer up prayers that are free of religious lace, prayers for the hurting & the broken, for those suffering else where & here at home prayers uttered from that deepest most sacred part of our Soul. Let us find some comfort there among the harmony of held hands, of personal drum-circles happening in the form of hugs. When our hearts connect like that, through the intimacy of our chests, they pound out a rhythm of hello & goodbye. We are a sacred symmetry of tightly embracing universes, coming together to create a new dimension of meaning. Walk with me along the pathless path & let us blaze together a new trail to the soul of Truth. I want to give our heart wings, so that we can know the completion of being One with the Sky then, like stars, we’ll burn & spin in the orbit of each other, until our thirst for discovery is satisfied, & then we can fall together in the freedom of the night, while young lovers make wishes upon our tail spin... & we disappear in the dark wordless wonder of the One.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 13:53:43 +0000

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