We are asking those to pray, in 20 days we return to Tacloban - TopicsExpress


We are asking those to pray, in 20 days we return to Tacloban . Some say there could be up to a few hundred Pastors and Street Preachers coming ,. For the Mother of Harlots will be there also , and against her much fair speech we will preach Beside the Filipino culture being deeply rooted in Idolatry , even deep within its government , our God not willing that any should perish, and last time I was there I saw something why God has extended his grace even moreso toward these People in these last days. Many know Historically God had used America to liberate the Philippines from the bonds of two super powers ,and later again to liberate them from modern Babylon with the Gospel. In these last days Christian big Brother America working still with them , gleaning their fields of souls before the Lords return . Even in its apostasy, America is still number 1 in the putting out of Bible believing Missionaries, and the Philippines ? ... They are number 2. Yes, Considering 28% of its People make less $1.50 a day , The impoverished Philippines puts out and supports more missionaries then any other nation next to ours.. The reason I believe for their extended grace. ? In my first trip , I found the little known memorial of Gen MacArthur and his landing where he fulfilled his promise to return to help the Filipino people. People of the Philippines I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God our forces stand again on Philippine soil -- soil consecrated in the blood of our two peoples. We have come, dedicated and committed, to the task of destroying every vestige of enemy control over your daily lives, and of restoring, upon a foundation of indestructible, strength, the liberties of your people... ...The hour of your redemption is here Macarthurs Statue stands 12 ft tall and could easily weigh in over a ton . He is followed by an entourage of 6 . 4 Americans and 2 Filipinos. ****************************************************************************************** The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power.... ...The Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm... Nahum 1;3 Walking over uprooted trees and debris from miles away, Meditating the whole l 360 degrees of the devastation , in what looked like a battle field , I stopped in the shadows of these twice life size statues of bronze who were poised in what was also their battle ground many years before, I was a little awe struck. A moment later when one of the Pastors told me , Brother Bruce, when we first got here one of these men knocked down by the wind. I asked , Who was he and what are the other men names of them and who was the man that was knocked down?. The said they didnt know. I reminded myself to find out later and why God knocked only one down. Of the six men that accompanied General MacArthur 2 were Filipinos 1) President Sergio Osmena (exiled) successor to Manuel Queson 2) General Carlo Romulo. ************************************************************************************* Most people are unaware that while each Country assisted in the Yolanda disaster. The IDF sent a Mash unit to heal its victims. The first baby born after Yolanda was delivered by a Jewish Doctor, After which the Mayor promptly declared his name be called Israel ... I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: Gen 12;3 We went to the Philippines because it was the only place that gave us a visa,” recalled Harry Brauer, one of the Jews who escaped captivity Most people are also unaware... In 1940 3 men hatched a plan to rescue 13,000 Jews from their holocaust. Filipino President Manuel Quezon, of the first Democratic Government of the far east who died in exile during the Japanese occupation of his country. For his love for Americans sanctioned the Jews’ official entry and even donate his own land in Marikina and Mindanao for their settlements; Paul McNutt American High Commissioner to the Philippines who risked his political career convincing US government officials to issue thousands of working visas for Jews to the Philippines; Herbert Frieder and his sons, owners of the Philippine-based Helena Cigar and Cigarette Factory, who provided jobs in their factory for the Jews, raised money to transport them to Manila, found them housing and schools for their children... AND ... the support for Gods people would come again 7 years later when the Philippines became the only Asian nation to vote in the United Nations for the partition of Palestine and the recreation of the state of Israel. Many of the refugees to Manila eventually resettled in Israel. ****************************************************************************************** Although eventually deciding on behalf of Israel. A few Filipino dignitaries did not feel there should be a Jewish state General Carlo Romulo, although probably one of the most accomplish Filipinos ever to live personally did not support the State of Israel. But unbeknownst after becoming the President of the United Nations delivered the truth of God in his departing speech.. *a reporter at age 16 , *Editor at 20 Later to write and publish 18 Books. *Co founder of the Boy scouts of the Phillipines at 32, *Became A General in the Philippine Army , serving under 8 presidents. *Became the first non-American to win the Pulitzer Prize in Correspondence in 1942. The Pulitzer Prize website says Carlos P. Romulo of Philippine Herald was awarded For his observations and forecasts of Far Eastern developments > * later also be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize * Elected President of the General Assembly of the United nations in which he was nicknamed Mr President. At the third UN General Assembly, he strongly disagreed with a proposal made by the Soviet delegation headed by Andrei Vishinsky, who challenged his credentials by insulting him with this quote: You are just a little man from a little country. In return, Romulo replied, It is the duty of the little Davids of this world to fling the pebbles of truth in the eyes of the blustering Goliaths and force them to behave! ****During his last address to the UN General Assembly, he was unable to hold back tears, In his speech, he lamented... “I do not think the world has much time. I do not think it had much time to escape the momentum toward self-destruction up which it seems set.” Carlos Romulo was the statue God knocked down in the Typhoon
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:34:28 +0000

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