We are experiencing trying times trying to protect our wild - TopicsExpress


We are experiencing trying times trying to protect our wild ones. My angle, is the bigger picture- and the last of the shrinking wild public lands of the Great Basin region for other multi-uses, which is rather extensive. My belief is the ranchers actually need Federally protected wild horses, as much as the horses need the stewardship of many good-hearted ranchers. Not all are good, not all are evil. Also my opinion- There are better ways to manage mustangs on the range first (tried true fertility control). Rather then stockpiled, to simply dispose of later for their own good. Not the fate that should ever become of these incredible icons ~ the spirit of the west. Here is important information to consider, and use in discussions about our wild horses and burros: § 4710.3-2 Federal Regulation- Herd management areas may also be designated as wild horse or burro ranges to be managed principally, but not necessarily exclusively, for wild horse or burro herds. Another critical piece of Federal regulation states: “If necessary to provide habitat for wild horses or burros, to implement herd management actions, or to protect wild horses or burros from disease, harassment or injury, the authorized officer may close appropriate areas of the public lands to grazing use by all or a particular kind of livestock.” (43 CFR 4710.5 (A)) While the BLM is mandated to manage our public lands as multi-use, the above clearly states that herd areas are managed a bit differently from the rest of the public lands that of the 270 million BLM managed surface acres of our public lands, that on the 54 million - designated wild horse and burro lands as established in 1971, wild horses and burros are priority and lands are to be managed accordingly. Wild horses and burros are now only managed on 34 million of the original 54 million through many various/multiple reasons. Also let it be known that both historically/scientifically horses are a re-introduced native species to North America with fossil evidence found here- from the NE to the SW and in pockets in between. No longer a question in the scientific community. smithsonianmag/.../Evotourism-World-Tour... As far as slaughter/delicacy issues- a highly volatile, and in my opinion, heinous though necessary topic to keep you all informed- I work hard at handling this piece very delicately and as carefully as I can, as I have many young readers on this page, and I ask that the issue/topic be treated with much needed sensitivity. smithsonianmag/travel/evotourism/Evotourism-World-Tour-Ashfall-Fossil-Beds-Nebraska.html
Posted on: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 22:31:03 +0000

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