We are in the month of Elul. A time when we seek reconciliation - TopicsExpress


We are in the month of Elul. A time when we seek reconciliation and ask forgiveness to those we may have hurt inadvertently or deliberately, G_d forbid. I have been reading on the subject of loshen hora, I attended a Rosh Kodesh and heard a drash on seeking forgiveness. After tehillim on Shabbat we talked about ways we could improve, draw closer, the many ways we could give charity. Not necessarily with money...a kindness, time, service....whatever means...big sigh, deep breath, long pause. I know we are supposed to offer restraint or use discretion or have a little couthe when posting. (That is so unlike me.) Bout ready to come unleashed and start potching people! We need a freaking good manners and tolerance class. In the past weeks I have given countless hours and energy to help others and teaching and when solicited training others to help themselves. In one instance I gave a corporation a piece of my mind. I had the chutzpah to stand up for myself and avoid exploitation because of it. I had good luck. BH. I have never in my lifetime experienced such tzuris in the course of helping others (freely accepted mind you)or myself, and then after the fact, maligning of character, put in a bad light, judged unfavorably, I have been hung up on twice! Shouted at in my street, called out before facts were checked only to discover my child was not at fault. I have been accused and called things I have never been called before. Really! So here is my unsolicited advice. STOP SEEING ONLY THE NEGATIVE, SAY THANK-YOU ONCE IN AWHILE. IF YOU CANT SAY SOMETHING POSITIVE OR SEE GOOD IN A PERSON WHO IS OFFERING HELP OR ASSISTANCE, consider what it says about you. Negative speech, a dismal world view is a condition of ones heart, poor physical condition, pain, painful experiences, not having enough -fun-take a hike, go swimming, dance like everyones watching!!!! Or you may be watching too much CNN and crime stories. We owe it to ourselves to bring joy and spread light. I am not anyones scapegoat for the deals you made with an inconsistent person, I am not your disease, I am not taking advantage of anyone just because they did not challenge policy, and for sure I am no bully, except for the truth of course. So I am going on FB to openly forgive all of my offenders, and although my patience is thick, I am not gonna sit here like a putz and take any crap, although as a Jew I am supposed to swallow some of it and like water off a ducks back or ashes or something....I am sorry for bad diseases, I am sorry for lack of coordination and people dropping the ball and not having basic respect to call and reschedule, I am sorry your child is exhibiting behaviors that requires extra training, medication, or therapy or modeling. I am sorry for your inability to see the good, or see the other persons life. I am not sorry I posted this. In memory of the incomparable Joan Rivers....GROW UP!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 14:11:23 +0000

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