We are living right now in the Greatest moment in human history, - TopicsExpress


We are living right now in the Greatest moment in human history, and many dont see it, think about it? Each one of us could have been born in anytime in history, but as YOU read this post, think about it, youre in a generation that prayerfully YOUR very eyes will witness the greatest event in human history, the end of the wicked system of things, the day of JEHOVAH, and it can be anytime the Father calls it in, it can be next week , in 6 months, next year, or even the next 5 years, we all have a time in our head when we think, notice that word when we think, thats a hypothetical thought, but JEHOVAH knows, so we must continue to do the things YOU suppose to do, think about it JEHOVAH is not asking YOU to do anything impossible, He is only asking YOU to put Faith in Him, put Faith in his Son JESUS, and quit doing bad learn to do good, Listen JEHOVAH is amazing when YOU get to know him, its a different kind of LOVE, I cant explain it, YOU feel him, when YOU talk to him, and YOU know the Truth and observe his commandments its like YOU hear him answering YOU, and one of the most Greatest feelings to ever have is to see JEHOVAH answering YOUR prayers, and when YOU know he is interested in YOU. Many left the truth maybe because of feeling worthless or embarrassed for what they did, if so ask YOURSELF, is being embarrassed worth maybe losing the most precious gift of all LIFE. let me tell YOU something Satan knows the scriptures very well he is apart of them, he lived them, he knows that clock is ticking, and he is going to unload his big fury on the world, a blaze no one seen before, think about this Satan and his demons have the world what they really want is YOU, notice the account in Job, satan knew JEHOVAH was very impressed by Job, so he wanted to go after him, while YOU read this scripture put YOURSELF as Job in the account, because we are all Job, we just have to remain to be Job like, with INTEGRITY. Put (YOURSELF) in the brackets as YOU read the account Job 1:6-12 Now the day came when the sons of the true GOD entered to take their station before JEHOVAH, and Satan also entered among them.Then JEHOVAH said to Satan: “Where have you come from?” Satan answered JEHOVAH: “From roving about on the earth and from walking about in it.” And JEHOVAH said to Satan: “Have you taken note of my servant Job (YOU)? There is no one like him (or YOU) on the earth. He is an upright man (YOU) of integrity, fearing GOD and shunning what is bad.” At that Satan answered JEHOVAH: “Is it for nothing that Job (YOU) has feared GOD? Have you not put up a protective hedge around him (YOU) and his house and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his livestock has spread out in the land. But, for a change, stretch out your hand and strike everything he (YOU) has, and he (YOU) will surely curse you to your very face.” Then JEHOVAH said to Satan: “Look! Everything that he has is in your hand. Only do not lay your hand on the man (YOU) himself!” So Satan went out from the presence of JEHOVAH. Remember this if YOU are reading this no matter what hold on to that INTEGRITY, hold on to that ZEAL, keep YOUR FAITH, continue to hold tight while JEHOVAH is guiding YOU by the Hand. Can YOU hear JEHOVAH speaking to YOU as YOU read this Listen; YOU, whom I took from the ends of the earth, And YOU, whom I called from its most distant parts. I said to YOU, ‘YOU are my servant; I have chosen YOU; I have not rejected YOU. Do not be afraid, for I am with YOU. Do not be anxious, for I am YOUR GOD. I will fortify YOU, yes, I will help YOU, I will really hold on to YOU with my right hand of righteousness. Isaiah 41:9,10 Sorry this is long but if YOU have strayed from the Truth, JEHOVAH is waiting, if YOURE hurting JEHOVAH is waiting, if YOU want to know the TRUTH JEHOVAH is waiting on YOU.... Listen to JEHOVAH; here @ Isaiah 1:18,19 reads; Come, now, and let us set matters straight between us,” says JEHOVAH. “Though your sins are like scarlet, They will be made as white as snow; Though they are as red as crimson cloth, They will become like wool. If you show willingness and listen, JEHOVAH and JESUS really, really LOVES YOU they have been showing it from the beginning, So now YOU show it. . YOU cant imagine how Precious YOU are. .
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 15:04:07 +0000

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