We are now living in an age of urban witch-hunters. Lee James and - TopicsExpress


We are now living in an age of urban witch-hunters. Lee James and Stephen Norley have committed a crime that makes me sick to my stomach. That James himself actually started the rumours that enabled his own inhuman and murderous attack on a totally innocent man is a near-irrrepairable indictment of both modern living and the ineffectual nature of a police system which disseminates crime-risk to civilian call handlers and then walks away without a backward glance from its responsibility to the community it serves. EVERYONE in the community is at fault in this matter, from the idiotic children who provoked the incident; through the ignorant, gloating neighbors who clearly were happier believing a malicious rumour than spending a single moment of their lives thinking for themselves; to the appallingly stupid police, who should have known better than to release a man they themselves declared innocent back into a self-declared prejudiced community prepared to attack him, not only without proof but in defiance of proof to the contrary. All should be held equally guilty of the disgusting and inhuman murder James and Norley committed. Vigilantism cannot exist unless society supports it: we should assume responsibility for our thoughts and actions. Behave like human beings, not like a pack of wild animals, and perhaps this sort of tragedy can be avoided in the future.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:51:12 +0000

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