We are the Hathors, and we come to bring you a message. A message - TopicsExpress


We are the Hathors, and we come to bring you a message. A message that a new MAGICAL wave of light is about to sweep your planet and YOU are NEEDED yet again. For the theme of the portal that is about to sweep your planet is MAGIC. On August 8th of your earthly time, many will experience the incoming energies, for the Lions Gate will indeed open and allow the energy to come through to all the light workers. As this occurs many of you will experience the expansion of your energy body, your physical body and your consciousness. Many of you will experience yourself becoming denser and heavier, and yet larger than life, at moments you will feel as if you are about to burst, worry NOT, for what you will be experiencing is a collection of energies that you are then to anchor into GAIA on August 25th. — We the Hathors from the ancient order of light, are asking you to get ready and open your hearts wide, dear children of light and love, open your hearts for the beauty for the creation of your own selves awaits! For the theme of the portal that is about to sweep your planet is MAGIC – as you truly open to the divinity within your hearts and soar up into the sky like the eagle free at last, free at last!!!!!! YES indeed it is true, for you have freed yourselves from all the agony of the past! But let us return to the moment at hand, for there are those amongst you and there are those that are walking this earthly plane of existence, who have not yet reached the highest destination of their souls, and for those, there is about to occur a dark hour, the dark hour of the soul, for what is a dark hour of the soul, but an opportunity to recognize that which they are? And we say onto you that it is precisely what is about to occur… Those of you who have walked through the veil, who were courageous enough to face themselves and their own ego, have indeed soared higher than the eagle in the sky. For others, the journey is to begin NOW. For once they are again bathed in the loving light of the Alcyone Central Sun of the Pleiades, their true essence will rise to the top and their ego will try hard to hold them locked in a cage of fear, hatred, anger, irritability and confinement. Their EGO that knows not any other way of survival, will create fear in their minds in order to hold on to this world, in order to hold on to the one thing that it does understand – the matrix, the 3D existence. For it knows not any other way of survival and it wishes to remain in power. Please understand dear children of light, that the EGO is not the enemy, it is part of oneself, and one is simply to embrace it in loving light and reassure it that it will continue to exist as long as it allows one to remain in balance. Therefore we ask all of you light workers, at this very important moment in time, to anchor you truth, into the mother GAIA to anchor your light and loving energies and spread this light and love to the whole of humanity, for when the gates open on August 25th, Humanity is going to experience another influx of energies to such high degree that many will simply go into the opposite direction of ascension, running to hide behind their EGO’s, holding on to what no longer has any place on this plane of existence. To lessen the blow and prevent this from impacting the earthlings to such a high negative degree, we ask that each and every one of you to open your hearts to the energies coming form you respective planets, and from the Central Sun and act as anchors to anchor the energy into mother GAIA, so that from there she can then feed this energy to all who walk upon her, in order to ground each of her children as they battle within their own selves and to stabilize them in order to facilitate a positive outcome for all involved. On August 8th of your earthly time, many will experience the incoming energies, for the Lions Gate will indeed open and allow the energy to come through to all the light workers. As this occurs many of you will experience the expansion of your energy body, your physical body and your consciousness. Many of you will experience yourself becoming denser and heavier, and yet larger than life, at moments you will feel as if you are about to burst, worry NOT, for what you will be experiencing is a collection of energies that you are then to anchor into GAIA on August 25th. And so, we ask those of you who are ready, and you will know who you are, to go into a deep meditative state on August 8th and simply allow the new energies to bathe and to store within your very being, within your heart within you sphere of enlightenment. For from this moment you are going to fully expand into your true selves. And from that very moment you are to expect MIRACULOUS EVENTS TO OCCUR IN YOU LIVES. Carry this energy that you will receiving hibernating within your sphere, savoring each and every moment that this energy is fully present within your being, let is merge with your soul, your heart and your body, let it circulate throughout your very being, getting stronger and stronger by the second of every moment, until August 25th, when you will finally unleash this tremendously strong, loving, peaceful, harmonious energies into the Mother GAIA. Keep this energy steady, DO NOT ALLOW YOUR MIND TO TAKE YOU INTO ANY NEGATIVE STATES.. for even if it shall try it will not succeed. For you have passed the ring past not, for you have passed beyond the veil, for you have fully aligned with your purpose of being, those of you who will begin to experience the expansion of your bodies, the expansion of your true being, will understand that which we speak of. This even is of HIGH IMPORTANCE to all of humanity, for a new wave of enlightened ones will emerge once the “dark hour of the soul” comes to an end. For those that will be able to withstand the new energies, and be brave enough to face themselves with tremendous support from each and every one of you, once they walk through the veil of forgetfulness, it is then that they will join your ranks and walk onto your path – The path of liberation and freedom of humanity from their own EGO’s, from their own self destruction, from the wheel of karma. And so, expect that new souls will enter you domain, expect more questions to arise, expect more wonderful stories to flood your internet, expect new strangers to stop you in the streets and tell you their life stories and the magical and magnificent experiences happening to them. Expect more and more stories to emerge of how they are seeing through to 5D. For indeed it is happening on your planet. For indeed you are moving in the right direction. The direction of your TRUE SELVES. We the Hathors, the forefathers of your vehicles creation that you call the human bodies, are standing before you, once again in line with you energies, once again, with open arms and open heart ready to assist you, ready to guide you, ready to be guided by YOU, standing by your side, as you plunge ahead and lead humanity out of the veil of forgetfulness and onto the magic road leading them to their true magnificent selves.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 23:26:23 +0000

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