We are the only country in the world that is creating a special - TopicsExpress


We are the only country in the world that is creating a special privileged class out of immigrants. And it is not for the benefit of the immigrants. When the children of immigrants do not speak proper English and do not have a basic understanding of how this country is supposed to work, how are they better off? They are not better off and are condemned to a life of being a member of an economic underclass which is just fine with the globalists who have hijacked our government. Go to any foreign country and see if they will provide public benefits to you as a foreigner. See if they will press 2 to speak your language and see how far you get with an expectation of tolerating criminal behavior while inside their country. The fact that our immigration policy is so insane, is because Obama, like Bush and Clinton before him, are using this issue to divide and conquer this country in order to strip the last vestiges of constitutional protections. If the establishment really cared about immigrants, they would teach them to speak English. They would demand they all know their rights as an American. However, that is not the goal. The establishment wants millions from third world countries to give up their dignity, work for next to nothing and let themselves be unwittingly used to undermine the Constitution. To all illegal aliens, Obama is a fraud and it definitely not your friend. At the end of the day, I have more in common with an illegal alien than I do with Michelle Bachmann or John McCain and I like and respect most of them much more than I do the two aforementioned traitors to this country. Personally, I welcome illegal aliens into America, so long as they become Americans who will work hard, know their rights and oppose tyranny. Again, this issue has become just another in the long of divide and conquer strategies employed by the globalists. thecommonsenseshow/2013/07/29/senate-bill-744-death-by-a-thousand-cuts/
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 10:36:52 +0000

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