We artists love it when we get happy emails from happy readers. - TopicsExpress


We artists love it when we get happy emails from happy readers. Thanks Mrugank Modiya for making my Sunday a dish! He gobbled The Skull Rosary in one go. Just happened to pick up The Skull Rosary for weekend reading and I must say it is one of the most impressive piece of work that has come out of Indian comic book/Graphic novel industry. Very well researched stories, artwork and overall design. Made me search about the people involved in creation of such a masterpiece and the next thing I found myself was writing this mail to you! Being a comicbook reader since my childhood, I had been waiting for indigenous work that can strike a chord with mature audiences. Though there has been a surge of various publication houses starting with virgin comics (followed by holycow, level10, vimanika, campfire etc..) in this space, works like yours are few and far between. A lot of them have focused on Indian mythology genre (which I am a big fan of) but a few have managed to capture the imagination of audiences like me because they present the rehashed versions of stories already known to us since childhood. Work like yours is, to use the cliche, a breath of fresh air in this space. Keep up the great work! Best Wishes, Mrugank
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 08:14:34 +0000

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