We believe it is important to address Matthew Kolken with strong - TopicsExpress


We believe it is important to address Matthew Kolken with strong push back from those who live in the border state of Arizona. We are the ones who are living in the immigration armpit of hell and we take issue with fraudulent immigration activists who peddle for money in the name of legal coyote work and are wasting our American tax payer dollars at the Eloy Detention Center in Arizona and in an already bloated detention center system. It is enough that our Arizona detention centers have enough of my people in there for working at fast food restaurants and/or car washes! We dont believe in putting more of our people in detention centers because we are wasting enough tax payer dollars and we take issue with pseudo activists who have evil agendas. Here is how Arizona local immigration supporters are responding after Rev. Maupin pushes back on Kolkens Rosa Parks comment, but we first begin with a statement made by Shirl Mora James who is also the co-founder and President of Somos Independents: Shirl Mora James -- Civil Rights and Immigration Lawyer: Rosa did NOT leave the bus but instead stayed on the bus in the front! Lou Show -- Creator of first Jewish Chicano radio show in history states: Kolken invoking John Lennon and Rosa Parks is LAUGHABLE. There is no comparison to Lennon unless you want to view the charges against him as fabricated (a cop planting marijuana on him) similar to the fabrication of the Dreamers needing to get back into the U.S. AFTER THEY WERE CONVINCED TO LEAVE. And there is no comparison to Rosa Parks as the only thing that might have happened to Parks would have been her being forced to take a different seat on a bus, NOT get deported (although I will admit some other things could have happened, too, but NOT deportation). The strongest indictment of Kolken is his guidance for the Undocumented to self-deport . . . as was Russell Pearces suggestion, as was Mitt Romneys suggestion. When any Dreamer self-deports, what incentive would the Nativest Republican have to help an Undocumented return to the US? None. In fact, self-deportation gives comfort and aid to those against CIR. Kolken, Abdollahi, NIYA, et al, dont really appear to want to advance forward CIR in a successful manner. Viva Ramirez -- Arizona Chicano activist states: Sitting in front of the bus was how Rosa Parks directly defied the people what wanted her NOT TO SIT IN THE FRONT OF THE BUS. Follows to reason, that if one wanted to defy the people (or system) that wanted them to leave the country, the appropriate act to demonstrate defiance of that notion would be to STAY IN THE COUNTRY. Lous right, Kolkens inappropriate comparison of the ideological symbolism of Parks actions and Dream 9 actions is way off target. I know Reverend Maupin has a substantial background in African American civil right s theory and I appreciate his astute assessment on Kolkens seemingly uniformed and crooked comparison.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 21:12:57 +0000

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