We continue to receive donations and we are so very thankful. The - TopicsExpress


We continue to receive donations and we are so very thankful. The donations have helped us pay our bills and we have been able to buy groceries and heating fuel for our home. We really would have struggled if it weren’t for the generous donations to Toms Fundraiser. I am so thankful that social media gives us this opportunity that we wouldn’t otherwise have. Thank you again, your donations took that burden of worry from my mind and I am so very grateful. It has now been over a month since Tom’s accident and daily life is certainly not what it used to be. The very basic tasks of taking a shower and dressing are slow and frustrating for Tom. He still tries to remain positive and happy but that has been short lived. He is angry and I don’t blame him, I am angry too. Once that emotion passes we just hold each other and tell each other how much we love each other. More often than not we cry and that feels good for both of us. Thank goodness we have tears to cleanse the soul. Tom has been feeling anxious about nearly everything; putting up food for the winter, beach seining in the summer, hunting for sea otter, and getting a job. Tonight he told me through his tears, “It feels as if everything I used to do has been taken away.” I told him that this is just the beginning and things will get better over time. I assured him that he will be out doing the very things he loves and that his accident did not take that away it just changed it a bit. The reality is that this journey is far from over. I know that this is the hard part I just never thought daily life would be such a struggle. Everyday my husband is in pain. He experiences phantom pain and it’s a pain like no other. He says it feels like his ghost fingers are stretching out and then cramping. He also has shooting pain where his fingers used to be. Sometimes the shooting pain shocks him and makes him jump. Tom also feels his knuckle area get tight and when he closes his eyes it’s as if his fingers are really there. He says he can feel them move, stretch and cramp but when he opens his eyes his ghost fingers stop moving. I guess the sight of his hand makes his brain realize that his fingers are no longer there. This is common in amputees. There are so many things that Tom must adjust to both mentally and physically and I hope and pray that he will get through this with some ease. His attitude when he first lost his fingers was nothing short of amazing but as the days go by that once positive attitude is a faded memory. The anger and tears have arrived in full force and it’s something that you are never quite prepared for. As I sit here and type this I realize that there is so much that we do with our hands on a daily basis we often take them for granted. Imagine just for a moment not being able to tie your bathrobe, put on your under arm deodorant on both sides or butter your toast. I see my husband not being able to do so many things and it completely breaks my heart. I know in time he will be functional again but he struggles and it hurts to see someone you love struggle both physically and emotionally. Once the emotions became too much, Tom and I decided to go to counseling to help us better cope. He has his sessions I have mine and we have sessions together. We are so fortunate to have this resource available. Even so, I ask for your continuous prayers and good energy to help us get through this. I ask that you pray for our faith to be restored. I’ve been told things happen for a reason and I question the bad things that happen to good people. What will come of this? Will it make us stronger? Is it teaching us patience? What is the reason? I pray for the day I no longer question. I pray for peace to find its way back into our hearts. I love you Tom Leask and I promise you, we’ll get through this together! Here is a photo of Tom’s hand taken just a few days ago and it’s healing nicely. I hope and pray that Tom’s spirit heals as well. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 05:44:11 +0000

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