We got off to a great start, the boys arrived on time and it was - TopicsExpress


We got off to a great start, the boys arrived on time and it was smiles all around. Shaun and his guys are a well oiled machine, they attacked the sun room roof and in no time they had it ripped off and removed the rotten skylights. Once we were down to the deck we could see the bottom piece of plywood was water damaged, and the decision to replace it was made. This is where I come in. As the trusty gofer, I jumped into the truck and drove to the big box to obtain said plywood and a few other things we need, and while I was there I picked up another shower pan for under the sink. When I was loading the cart, I received a call from Shaun informing me they had a visitor during lunch. It appears Olive has taken an interest in the crew, and she stopped by to say her howdy dos. Well, this got everyones attention. By the time I returned the dumpster had arrived, and they were finished with lunch break and back at it. I let Wilson out of the house, once again he proved his superior scouting skills and began barking at the clump of grass next to our work site. There she was with her head sticking out, flicking her tongue and giving us the hairy eyeball. The phones came out to record the event, and we watched in surprise as she headed right for us. I think our snakes have an unnatural attraction to Shaun. I know the snake information Ive shared has stretched my credibility, but I swear Ive never seen this happen before. We mutually agreed the snake was disrupting our progress and she was encouraged to leave the area by means of a long poll. She was carefully scooped up and shoveled back into the weeds from whence shed come. I went to the carport to fetch my snake poll with the padded grabber on the end, just in case we had a reoccurrence, and a few moments later she returned. One of the hardy lads used the grabber and took her farther into the weeds, and that was the end of it for the day. Now that weve all had our serpentine baptism the work continues, you might as well get that out of the way. Aside from the obvious danger, I think everyone agrees its pretty cool to see this spectacle of nature, and few natural events equal the surprising appearance of a rattler. By the end of day one, the roof was repaired, the new skylights were installed, the job site was cleaned, and the water and ice shield was applied. If we do receive the predicted rain, the roof is mostly water proof and well be fine. I really like these fellows, and Im feeling confident we can tackle this complex roof and make a good job of it. Were on hiatus today as we wait for the materials to arrive, hopefully tomorrow. After they left, I drove down to pick up the scrap aluminum from the old skylights and managed to pick up a nail in one of my tires. This was completely predictable. It seems no matter how many tarps, or how carefully you clean up a job site, if theres even one nail in the yard it will find its way to a tire. Today Ill call on the suppliers and see if the delivery is on schedule. Theres rain in the forecast for tomorrow and well see what we see. Either way I have to work on the scaffold around the porch, and attend another news summit at the station, so it will be another busy day. This is supposed to be the hottest day of the week and cool down by Wednesday so if we had to take a break this is perfect timing. Becky and I are pleased to finally get going on this project. Im having a great time and its wonderful to see some progress, and its particularly nice to have a fine crew to work with.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 12:41:51 +0000

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