We have a window to do something! REPEAL OBAMACARE! Please - TopicsExpress


We have a window to do something! REPEAL OBAMACARE! Please use all links and learn! And then, in the next three days, email, phone or write to the city, state and federal leaders for a repeal/defunding. Its our hard earned money at work... lets act like the bosses we are, finally! We pay all of the governing officials bills. Maybe the whole nation needs to go on strike? I think it might be good for all the fat boys and gals to get a little lean. We are the slaves - they think. We need to stand up (now - today - this week) and show them, that with out us, they would have nothing, so they better use our money working for us! We could threaten a national strike - not to work, which would financially affect them, until this OBAMA SNARE is debunked. Seriously, we may all need to consider this to quarantine the virus - fascism. Read all the links here and all the links in the links and see how imperative it is that we seize this moment, this window and do something - do a lot! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism Excerpt: Most scholars agree that a fascist regime is foremost an authoritarian form of government. (My meaning in word use). If the Whitehouse - Congress - the Senate - and the Representatives are SHOWN that there are more of us... and they are INUNDATED with REPEAL OBAMACARE (fascist movement) letters and emails and calls, we may still have a chance - and I believe previous policys will be reenacted. This is all fascist activity and if we cave now, we will lose a dreadful battle to a dangerous rising dictator! dailycaller/2013/10/29/millions-lose-health-coverage-white-house-blames-insurance-companies/ Lies... lies, lies - this has all been planned and executed perfectly by a fascist regime. Excerpt: Few media outlets highlighted the Oct. 28 revelations showing that officials knew millions of plans would be canceled. Who pays the living expenses for the President and his family? We do! Who pays all the elected politicians - we do. Who is the government supposed to be for? The people! Its time that we all take the next day or two and email - phone in or write to all those in government (city/state and federal) 3 letters at least to different branches - and INUNDATE with REPEAL OBAMA CARE - DEMANDING a new policy, that the people decide! The unexposed bylines that were with-held, reveal a very evil plan with OBAMA CARE health. nutritionalhealingandmore.blogspot/2013/10/addressing-omaba-snare-no-offense.html We need to re-write the by laws and have the people be the final decision makers on the health care reform. its never needed our intervention as seriously as it does now. lets seize the opportunity NOW, this week - and take action! Here is back bone building news! Share this message and lets get it out and use this window (this intentional mess) to stand up, be heard and demand - via letters, phone calls and emails - the defunding/repeal of this move to a fascist reform attempt. examiner/article/latest-poll-shows-majority-of-americans-want-obamacare-defunded See! We are all wanting it now - so NOW is the time to take action, do something! cleveland/open/index.ssf/2013/10/sen_rob_portman_delay_obamacar.html
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 15:26:45 +0000

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