We have entrusted our basic needs to the free market and - TopicsExpress


We have entrusted our basic needs to the free market and capitalism. Food has become a processed addictive globs of sugar and salt, that in reality have created a generation of obese, diabetic, and lethargic people. Which morphs into our free market medical system which is a leading cause of bankruptcy in the USA. Not to mention that the USA spends more per person with a worse than average outcome. And the ACA a.k.a. Obamacare is merely a bandaid for a broken system. And speaking of bandaids... Wall Street the heart of crony capitalism has been bailed out and with no legal consequence to speak of. The system is so rigged that people actually pay for tenth of a second faster connections so they can drive up prices and make billions in a tenth of a second for doing quite literally nothing but buying and selling in tenths if a second ( this is not what was intended) Their money has been well invested into Washington D. C.... Where no member of congress does not come out with more than they had when they go in ( possible exception Bernie Sanders). Where no law that might help the average person is passed without some massive giveaway for the private sector. In reality, what benefit does the USA get from being worlds policeman? What benefit do we get from supporting other Governments that dont Share our values? Time to realize that government is for the people, by the people and of the people. Time to get the money out. Time to pay representatives the average pay of their constituents. Time to stop public funding of party elections
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:01:38 +0000

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