We have forgotten how to be human. Connection is the seed of human - TopicsExpress


We have forgotten how to be human. Connection is the seed of human experience. Denying ourselves that we are deeply connected is fighting what we are. We are human, humans are interconnected species, deeply connected to one another. we are connected to the earth, connected to the Sun and solar system, we are connected to the galaxy, connected to the universe above and below but this is the age of the individual. the great age of all important I. what we have been trained and ingrained to forget that we are deeply connected to all that is and that we are solitary individuals that struggle to come out ahead of other individuals and then ruthlessly defend what we acquire through the struggles in order to secure a place for ourselves. In this unending social latter Powers the struggle of the world and this is connection that lets us feel unsettled inside and out because were fighting our true nature of interconnectedness. we continuously struggle against our human nature and this causes much turmoil with anxiety. Anxiety is the great social plague of our time. A quick Google search for common anxiety medicine comes from the prescription drug list much longer than this worthy post. From panax to xanax a laundry list of chemicals to treat the symptoms of our body that is telling us somethings wrong here, something is wrong. What is it? We forgot what its like to be human we were born human but then we are slowly insinuated into this culture of perceived separation. We are trained to unsee the connection by people that have been trained to unsee the connection themselves by others that are trained to unsee the connection by those before then. The connection is still here, its just we gotten. society blocked out and black listed all the symptoms of human connectedness, as woohoo father for the feeble minded superstitious new agey kooks in the world. without this connection we forgotten how to be truly human and suppression causes us great anxiety Today I had an amazing vision of the interconnection between human through the streaking lights and swirling vortex of unseen forces. I saw how each and every person is just a fragment of perception of the whole. Each person is part of the one who is experiencing an illusion of separation. Just below the superficial surface there is a single connecting current that we are all literally right on top of directly drawing from. we get completely pulled into the illusion of separation, so fully engulfed in I that we struggle how to survive in this world. Survival is a very serious problem for us in the state of separation this serious struggle for survival causes fear, anxiety, depression, loneliness, self pity, jealousy, greed, hate, seriously bad experiences, but all the seriousness is in the stake of time. In this moment of vision I understood how time does not exist but saw how everything is just a piece of one infinite moment that includes all potentials that ever have and ever will exist. we dont move through time that is just an illusion. we move from potential moment to potential moment in an endless dream of potential moments that include every possibility with one infinite whole moment. The times are now. Every possibility already exists and are already happening right now. Time is an illusion that we create for ourselves connecting strings of potential moments. Everything and every experience is available to everyone at all times. The ultimate abundance is your birthright. How do we shift from where we are to how to make greater shifts from these potentials which we are all part the one connective consciousness. How can we start to awaken our deeper connection to one another, is the heart the key? is it all just manipulation and vibrations or Electromatic field. If so, how do we become conscious of these manipulations things that people are becoming more aware. I have a feeling that these questions may have realistic answers coming in a not so distant future. I hope for that at least. That is the potential that I wish to experience. Its hard to accurately assign words sometimes its like Julie Roberts trying to eat snails in pretty woman. when I try to pin it down it shoots away, slippery little suckers, but with our interconnectedness when we dont try and pin it down but when we just let it develop in us. we know this all intuitively to know the connection we have must flow with it not trying to pin it down to but to be light this world.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 17:19:19 +0000

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