We have missed her. . .And today your wonderful Jivamukti teacher - TopicsExpress


We have missed her. . .And today your wonderful Jivamukti teacher Leanne Jones delivers to you the eleventh asana of Christmas!!!! My pose is urdva dhanurasana (full wheel or upward facing bow pose). In a Jivamukti open class its practiced 3 times in a row, the 3rd one although sometimes the hardest, is often the best as the previous 2 have opened and prepared the body beautifully for a really expressive backbend. This time of year can be many things for people and this pose can help in many ways for example: -If you are feeling depleted energy wise from all the shopping and partying, then this pose can help energise you. -If this time of year is hard for you due to relationship breakdowns (in whatever form) then this pose can help you forgive those who have hurt you. -This time of year is the season of goodwill and as is typical with backbends, this pose opens the chest, thoracic spine and spiritual heart reminding us to see & share love with all those around us. It also reminds us to be grateful for all that we have and not what we dont have, extending kindness & compassion to those who may be less fortunate than us at this time of year. -If you fancy a challenge and want to remind yourself of the real reason we practice any asana (to realise the divine) then bend your elbows and rest the crown of the head on the floor for a couple of breaths In between each one instead of coming all the way down each time...try it, this will help build strength and stamina as well as connect you with that which you deem highest. -Finally, it will help increase heart rate and burn off a few mince pies! Happy yogaing one & all. Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu. May all beings (including the turkeys) be happy and free and may the thoughts, words and actions of my life, contribute to the happiness and freedom of all Leanne :) Xx
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 09:06:42 +0000

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