We have separation of power for a reason. Congress has not passed - TopicsExpress


We have separation of power for a reason. Congress has not passed an immigration reform because those they represent do not support giving those who sneak in and break our laws a pass. I struggle with the concept of those who come to the country and protest and demand assistance, bilingual education, and other services when they are here illegally. We down play this all the time but try to enter another country illegally and see what happens. I say if you want to have immigration reform, secure the border first! Give folks a free pass home and then they can apply for citizenship without the mark on their record. If found deport and ban. Im sick of this executive branch not enforcing our current law. I fail to see how Congress is at fault for not ramming through bad legislation. Its their job! How did he not get this done in the first 2 years when he had control of the house and senate? For the same reason that obamacare didnt take effect until after the election for his second term. He knew there would have been no second term. If it had been the right thing to do he would have done it in the first term without opposition. What a coward! I love the clips of then Senator BO criticizing Bush for executive action, saying that is what he would do differently. This was of course before becoming the hypocrite in chief. I keep hearing that this is a first step. What are the next steps? Our health care is already in jeopardy. We hear that the architect was planning on the stupidity of the American people to get this in place. Now we bring in millions who havent paid in. Now I hear your eyes rolling, he said he wasnt going to extend benefits to those in question. First steps, remember? This is a land of immigrants who followed the rule of law. This is a slap in the face to all those who obey the law and enter the country legally. I hope that the new legislature has the stones to use the power or the purse to reign in the Executive Branch.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 10:52:10 +0000

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