We have to understand that everything he does is to take our - TopicsExpress


We have to understand that everything he does is to take our attention from something else. Obamacare is here and we have to defund it. He is trying to keep Congress from meetings about this very important thing. Let them know we are not fooled and to say no to war and defund Obamacare!!! Message Subject: Syria Message Text: - The President and Congress should focus on problems here at home. - ObamaCare will soon be implemented, the national debt is nearing $17 trillion, government spending continues to grow, and there will soon be a fight over funding the government. - Army Gen. Martin Dempsey estimates that the Syrian intervention will cost billions of dollars. - There are “red lines” at home that must be addressed. Syria is no place any American has any involvement with. In these trying times we, as a nation, can ill afford another action in a foreign nation that negatively impacts so many. The American public has been lied to so many times that their faith in the political system is shattered and skewed against anything you have to say. Our troops our cut to two meals a day, our sons, daughters, brothers and sisters, dying on foreign soil out of lies and misinformation we were spoon fed by the administration. Men and women were subjected to stop loss to keep them in the fight for something no one really knows what you were trying to do. The nation is financially strapped to the point where sequestration had to be implemented, other than the vacation fund for the fraud and his family in charge. Now you ask that we offer up more of our family, friends, neighbors and children to the warmongers and narcissistic need of Obama, to further his own personal agendas, over that of the welfare of our once great nation. Syria did not attack American’s or any of its allies. Syria did not threaten America. Instead the alleged leader of this nation threatened them, even before UN inspectors had their chance to evaluate the evidence. World news and research, not skewed by the US media, all report the rebels were the ones deploying the chemicals, not the Syrian government. These same rebels founded by, supported and outfitted by Al Qaeda, the same ones we are trying to fight against. However, now we are expected to forgive and forget their murderous ways and fight side by side with them. While I may question any theological beliefs you may have, all evidence supports and suggests any action and involvement the US may enter into, or promote, against Syria will illicit negative responses against the nation of Israel and its allies. Further, any action will result in Russian, Chinese and Iranian forces directing any responses against this nation and its citizens. This is unacceptable in any and all forms and must not be allowed to occur, under any circumstance. The president does not have the authority to condemn the men and women of this nation to die. He has already begun with Obama care, which you supported. It is tragic enough that you aided and abetted in the installation of death panels under socialized medicine. He does not have the authority to send men and women to their deaths without justifiable cause of war, which there is no viable justification to instigate at this time. However, a large percentage of Americans are waiting for a staged event to occur to garner support for this frauds desire to murder more Americans under government authority. It is tragic, but with the lies, misdirection’s, media biases and then actual proof of the lies coming out you have no longer have credibility in any issue. As a citizen, a voter, an actual working member of society, which pays taxes, I demand you do the job you were hired to do and fulfill the will of the people, not yourselves. I demand you stop this lunacy and psychotic attempt to destroy this nation further and tell the president and the traitors: Kerry, McCain, Graham and Boehner that you will not allow our sons and daughters to be murdered because of Obama. I demand that you vote no to any action against Syria. I demand that you finally do something beneficial for this nation other than stuff your pocket with PAC donations and kickbacks.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 13:33:50 +0000

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