We just viewed this video. Just from the video (and minimal - TopicsExpress


We just viewed this video. Just from the video (and minimal details given to us) this is how we feel. (And remember, we really only have this video and a few additional details.) Chula Vista Police Department 1. The initial reason for the call to security to the police was probably due to breastfeeding, not safety concerns. 2. There is nothing legally they can do about the breastfeeding. However, the child in the pit and and the exposure to the loud music falls into a gray area. 3. The police started fumbling and back-tracking when she started asking questions. Legally, she can obtain their badge numbers without them taking her ID- and for the police officer to use this kind of bargaining (they wont file with CPS if she doesnt take their badge numbers) as a tool of intimidation is just shitty policing. 4. Also, when he originally said, Yes, if you did not move from there, then we were going to go ahead and file charges against you. That is up to the DA or city attorney (depending on whether or not it is a felony or misdemeanor charge), not this police officer. All they can do is take a child endangerment report and send it over to CPS. 5. The police did give her the offer to stay at the concert with seats free of charge if she moved farther back. I can understand that emotions were high at that point, and maybe she just wanted to get out of there. However, she could have stayed in an area that would be safer for the child (and breastfed without a cover) for the remainder of the concert. I think the concern for the wellbeing of the child (regardless of how they ended up there in the first place) is completely valid. However, the there were a few things the police did that bordered on being unethical and that IS very concerning. The hired security team is not Chula Vista police. If they asked the woman to stop breastfeeding, and took pictures of her specifically because she was breastfeeding, then that is an issue that needs to be addressed legally.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 01:12:16 +0000

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