We like to pretty up our homes. Add some new mats on the table... - TopicsExpress


We like to pretty up our homes. Add some new mats on the table... get some Air Wick out to freshen up the atmosphere... we work extra hard to keep our home tidy... cause you know its our space and its where we live.. our thoughts grow and so does are comfort. Whats really unnerving though is when you have these guests walk in.. and before they say hello or understand who you are.. they begin plastering tacky flyers and posters on your front door.. across your polished floors and even across your freshly dry cleaned dining table cover. Every where you turn you no longer see your abode but someone elses personal ads and shameless publicity. Whats the reaction... you tear them down and trash these flyers and ask your guests to either behave or leave. Why am I writing this? Because despite being well versed in enterprise, we as a people lack etiquette and common courtesy. And theres nothing more that puts me off than having links and photos spammed across my page by every Bunty, Rani and Chotu that visit. Please do not invade my home and spam it with your ads. I work hard to make it what it is. If you find inspiration. .. take it back with you. I dont see the point in spamming.. have an idea share it. Have a cause talk about promoting it. Sorry for the long story.. had to put my point across. -_- I love my visitors. But I cant help but unleash dust bunnies upon those who refuse to respect this space.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 18:35:51 +0000

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