We live in a sad state of sports culture. Young athletes today are - TopicsExpress


We live in a sad state of sports culture. Young athletes today are given to much and expected to do to little. I have been blessed in my 7 years as a coach to coach 26 high school All American athletes. The best of the best at their sport. They ALL did stupid things. Even after being told different they still did the most idiotic things I could think of. My boys Pat Hughes Michael Wilson Jean Baptiste Wisdom Behind Words can all attest to my own personal stupidity when I was in college. We all did. One thing I can say though. We after some trial and error realized we were special and we did different. We acted different, and excepted responsibility as men. There isnt a standard anymore. Lets be real, Ray Rice didnt get in trouble because he makes the nfl money, Adrian Peterson was set to play this week because nobody wants to see the Vikings without him; he makes the team money, and Jameis has become who he is because society choose not to punish him long before he was a heisman winner. We have them all the accolades as role models before they ever actually earned it. Being a role model should have nothing to do with sports. Now people want to have a moral standard? I read in the paper that a preacher was outlawed for giving devotion to kids before high school games, high school games in which we promote selfish individualize behavior in a TEAM setting all for the dollar amount it can provide to the school, yet on the American dollar for which these schools strive to have; it states in god we trust so I can trust god on my money but not on my field? I can expect kids to have a moral standard, but not provide that standard for which they should achieve and you expect what? My dad told me when I was young you be a leader and set the standard, as a man you stand on whatever you do good or bad and live with consequences. All these men should live with their consequences and how it effects their careers in the sport they love. The sports itself should except their own faults where in society today a child can have 100,000 followers based on throwing a ball and not his character. Young athletes today deal with the consequences of your own behavior good, bad, or indifferent. Dont ask to be special, be treated special, then act stupidly and say well its not my fault I did wrong, I just want to be normal life isnt that simple. Because in the big scheme of things most people would kill to be in your position. Dont just be extra, become extraordinary. INK
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 23:02:17 +0000

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