We live in a society of monkey-see, monkey-do. Everywhere I look I - TopicsExpress


We live in a society of monkey-see, monkey-do. Everywhere I look I see people that live their life to satisfy the standards of other people. We have developed a process of thinking that is a result of psychological propaganda, and we as teenagers are the number 1 consumers of it. Due to our self-conscious nature we accept any standards, no matter how ridiculous they are, that we have to meet to be praised by the other puppets around us. We have no interest in looking in the mirror and shaping ourselves to fit that image, no. We only want to fit the image that is shoved in our faces by our peers. Because THAT is the image that will win us the girl with the biggest ass in school, right? Thats the image that will get us good grades, right? Thats the image that will get us into the university we want to get accepted into, right?? NO!!!! Thats the image that will make you a copy! Thats the image that will leave you with nothing of your own except your name. Thats the image that will polish your coffin, but never erase the rotting corps inside of it. Teachers teach you WHAT to think nowadays while they should be teaching you HOW to think. Our presidential elections are determined nowadays by the best performers, instead of the best thinkers. Im sick of being told what to think. Im sick of performers. I want thinkers! I want dreamers! I want people that explore their imagination and live their life on a search for how to grow in their personal ideas! I want you to ask yourself this question right now: Am I who I truly want to be? If the answer is yes, help the people around you think like that so they can be freed from their mental cage. If the answer is no, do something about that before your mind is synchronized entirely to the shape of common thought. If you took something away from what I said here, let me know. Because I feel completely alone right now in my views. Thank you.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 07:04:07 +0000

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