We need to take action to be the change that we want to see in the - TopicsExpress


We need to take action to be the change that we want to see in the world. It is time for Truth and time for #Disclosure. For all of us to take a few actions - will make a change for the better. From Elizabeth Trutwin: There is an unalterable Law governing Everything and every Being [including Extraterrestrials] that exists or lives....That Law which governs all life is God. Law and the Lawgiver are One....In the midst of death, life persists. In the midst of untruth, truth persists. In the midst of darkness, light persists....The safest course is to believe in the modern government of the world and therefore in the Supremacy of the modern law. The law of truth and love. Exercise of this will be the safest where there will be a pure determination summerly to reject all that is contrary to truth and love.~Mahatma Ghandi, 17th October, 1931 Through decades of truth embargo, decades of refusing to vote or take responsibility as a voting member of a democracy, decades of lethargy, we are well on our way to a Police State. It is our responsibility as members of Earths civilization to be accountable for the actions of the country we belong. There are tools in place within our democracy to accomplish change. One tool is to petition our government for change. The United States, along with our allies from the 1940s agreed to a truth embargo. The United States, her citizens, and the citizens of Her allies are most responsible to clean up the mess. President Obama is the #Disclosure President. We open the door for him to do his duty as Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the United States, working with the Pentagon, to Disclose the Extraterrestrial Presence engaging the Human Race AFTER we hold Congressional Hearings on the Extraterrestrial issue with scores of high ranking military/agency and political witnesses coming forward under oath. You have a choice today. You may reflect on the importance of this issue within the context of the declining health of our world society. You may choose to understand the importance of action politics. In so doing you may just decide to spread the word by sharing this post. You may even go to the lengths of registering on the White House website and deciding to come back on January 7th when it is posted, to sign the White House Petition supporting a Congressional Hearing on the Extraterrestrial Issue. All countries may sign. The Central Intelligence Agency was originally constructed to deal with the Extraterrestrial Issue. They are able to hide their illegal and immoral activities in no small part because of the truth embargo. A FORMAL Disclosure, which is not in the hands of congress or the cabal but rather in the hands of The President, the Pentagon, We The People and the media is the only hope for launching a new age of reformation in every area of our worlds society. Times have changed. Abuses committed by the intelligence community go much, much deeper than torture. Unfortunately, those abuses go unknown due to the continuation of the truth embargo. Known or Unknown we are held by the unalterable Law governing Everything to end the abuses. Will you sign the White House Petition supporting Congressional Hearings designed to end the truth embargo? 100,000 signatures will go a long way to attracting the attention of the media. They are and always have been our only target. Support in the general populace of We The People, in this country and abroad, is what will change this. Now is the time to decide what side of history you will come down on. #Disclosure is inevitable. Be The Change! ~Elizabeth Trutwin Petitions.WhiteHouse.gov/register, DisclosurePetition.org, FaxonWashington.org, ParadigmResearchGroup.org, Disclosure.media nytimes/…/after-scrutiny-cia-mandate-is-unto…
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 11:15:44 +0000

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