We need to think of Monsanto as the Ma Bell of agriculture. I - TopicsExpress


We need to think of Monsanto as the Ma Bell of agriculture. I heard that they own nearly all the DNA of commercial seed market. Thats a monopoly. Also, they have huge market share for herbicide, (Roundup), and thats another monopoly. Their Roundup product glyphosate is a poison and despite 20 years of use, no data on residues of that is available, likely due to their political power. Heres an article that measured the residue. Apparently it is at a level which Monsanto itself termed as extreme. Since glyphosate is in all processed food, most likely we will find elevated levels of it in our urine. Why do we allow this poison in our food chain? It should be banned. Since it is involved in all genetically modified food, states should be allowed to mandate labeling so consumers can know what they are buying. If you wish to protect yourself against consumption of glyphosate poison, right now the only way to do that is to buy organic food, buy a fun recipe book, and cook your meals from that. The chemical industry has crept into agriculture. Its all about Big Ag profits. Instead of deploying known healthier biological based farming, traditional disc and plowing, they use these poisons to minimize their work. So on behalf of their profits, all Americans have been getting poisoned for the last decade. Go figure. Regulators in bed with industry. Same old story. independentsciencenews.org/news/how-extreme-levels-of-roundup-in-food-became-the-industry-norm/
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 20:08:21 +0000

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