We often warn you to secure your sites and computers against - TopicsExpress


We often warn you to secure your sites and computers against Botnets. Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit built an SF-like interface for tracking them. Yes, MS: DCU is a thing. Should be a show. Play the videos, especially the multi-region digital talking petri dish* one. Again, we cant stress enough, site and device protection is not about what you do or dont have of value on your site, PC, or other device. For the most part, the bad guys dont care about whats on your PC or your blogsite. They care about turning it into once of their zombie warriors. They just care about whether or not youre sloppy (or ignorant) about security. Your I dont have anything important is irrelevant. When your PC and IP address, or WordPress site, becomes part of an attack on the Department of Defense, on a major corporation, or on a credit card processor, then you should care. To some attorneys in some jurisdictions, you might even be legally liable for negligence. So get a good firewall and antivirus, or preferably even something better with a full Host Intrusion Protection System (HIPS) on your PC or Mac (yes, on your Mac, youre not invulnerable, just a less common target.) +Comodo has an excellent full PC/Mac Internet Security Suite that is free if you dont need the added GeekBuddy tech support by chat, and added WiFi encryption. Its far more powerful than what comes built in to your operating system, and far less annoying than the big brands including the limited-trial bloatware that may have come on your PC. Thats our weapon of choice on all Windows machines. On a Linux desktop, understand your firewall rules and smart use of permissions. If you use a user-friendly, desktop/laptop-oriented distro like +Linux Mint or +Ubuntu, there are tools for setting up iptables firewall rules without having to be a command-line guru. On your WordPress site, make sure you are using something like Wordfence (our tool of choice) or Sucuri, for security defense and scanning. We use those with much tighter than their default settings, and see all kinds of attacks, even on small business and individual blogger/author hub sites. If youre using a Managed WordPress Hosting Provider, theyre likely doing something similar but perhaps with different tools. If youve simply put up a site on cheap hosting with a one-click of WordPress and done nothing to secure it, youre almost certainly going to get hacked, and quite possibly already are. But will likely not know it. If you hired somebody to manage your hosting, and they didnt install some kind of security, you really need to re-evaluate whom you use. #Botnets #Wordfence #WordPressSecurity #computersecurity -- Shared from our original Southern Cross Social Web post at Google. Please read the original post and comment with any Google ID at goo.gl/jirVYQ.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 02:20:03 +0000

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