We received a prayer update regarding some of the activity - TopicsExpress


We received a prayer update regarding some of the activity happening in Russia and Ukraine. We received this email from Ed Slonchka of the Global Reach Network. It is a little lengthy, but there are some specific prayer points on the bottom. Thank you for praying. Request to pray for Crimea, Southern Ukraine This is a prayer request from Dr. Sas Conradie, a former missionary to Crimea, Ukraine Dear Friends, Many of you might be aware of the situation in Ukraine in general and Crimea, southern Ukraine in particular. The situation is getting worse by the moment with potential of war now a real possibility. On March 1st the Russian parliament approved to send troops to Ukraine. Some say this has already happened in Crimea. Having lived and work in Crimea, this is of grave concern to me. A missionary living in Crimea wrote today in an e-mail to the BBC Live Updates: We are American citizens and have been living in Simferopol, Ukraine for 18 years. Since Wednesday, we have watched with broken hearts the events that seem to grow steadily worse. It is sad to see the invasion of foreign troops into the sovereign nation of Ukraine. I hope the world wakes up and not let this become another Georgia (which Russia invaded in 2008). This is what a leading American senator said on US television (mentioned in an update on the British Telegraph website): This is a critical moment in world history. The credibility of the alliances and security assurances that have preserved the international order is at stake. If Putins illegal actions are allowed to stand unpunished, it will usher in a dark and dangerous era in world affairs. I do not want to sound alarmist, but the events in Crimea could become one of the most serious threats to global peace. We therefore need Gods intervention urgently as only He can give social, political, emotional and spiritual peace which is so desperately needed in Crimea and the rest of Ukraine at the moment. I together with Dr Anatoliy Glukhovskyy (Lausanne International Deputy Director for Eurasia) and Kostya Bakanov (Christian leader in Crimea) therefore request the global Christian community to pray for Crimea and Ukraine from 2-9 March 2014. As James 5:16 says: The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Below I have information that could be used in your prayers. Please distribute this request through your networks and churches as you think appropriate. Thank you for considering this request. Greetings in Christ Dr Sas Conradie Coordinator Global Generosity Network and past missionary to Crimea __________________________________________________________________ Crimea, Ukraine updated information: > A revolution in Ukraine brought a government to power who want closer ties with Europe. However the cause for the revolution was more against a corrupt political and economic system than against Russia although many Ukrainians still remember the atrocities committed during the Russia dominated Soviet Union period. The ousted Ukrainian president and his cronies might have embezzled $70 billion! > Russia, fearful of losing its influence in Ukraine, responded with various threats to the changes in Ukraine and gave safety to the pro-Russian ousted president. > The Crimean parliament dominated by Russian speakers threatened to secede from Ukraine and called for a referendum on the issue on 25 May. They still view the ousted Ukrainian president as their legitimate president and might invite him back. > Some Russian speakers in Crimea started calling for Crimea to become part of Russia again and occupied various buildings in the capital, Simferopol. However the Crimean Tatars staunchly support the new Ukrainian government and do not want closer ties with Russia. > Indications are that Russia is involved in stirring up hostilities in Crimea and even possible Russian military personnel active in events. > Many people in Crimea fear a potential invasion by Russia similar to the 2008 Russian invasion in Georgia. That would result in a serious conflict with the Crimean Tatars and other people in Crimea supporting the new Ukrainian government. The danger is if a Russian citizen in Crimea is shot at or killed. That will give Russia a pretext to protect its citizens in Crimea and potentially occupy the region to protect it from the new Ukrainian government. > Armored units from the Russian Black Sea Fleet base near Sevastopol had entered Crimea in order to protect the Russian fleet positions and protect Russian citizens. > Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 1 submitted a request to the upper house of parliament asking approval for the use of Russian troops in Ukraine. Missionaries and other foreigners in Crimea started leaving the area. Prayer Points > God intervened before in Crimea and can do that again. > Pray for the new interim Ukrainian president who is a committed Christian and Baptist preacher. He and the rest of the Ukrainian government need tremendous wisdom in the days ahead. > Pray for the Christians in Crimea that God will protect them but also make them witnesses of reconciliation and peace in the present situation. There are Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar Christians who can model reconciliation between the different groups. Pray that Colossians 3:11 will become a visible reality in the Church. > Pray for a political, economic and spiritual breakthrough and peace in Crimea. That happened in 1999 when the grievances of the Crimean Tatars had been met the day before the protests could turn violent. Praise God who can do that again! > Pray that God will change the hearts of the Russians in a context where they feel they are losing influence in a country which they feel is part of greater Russia. > Pray for wisdom for Russian, European and US leaders in how to deal with the tension in Crimea. The Ukrainian government could ask the UK and US governments to help protect its territory according to the 1994 memorandum. That can create a conflict that will not only affect Crimea but the whole region and potentially the whole of Europe. > In 1914 Europe had been catapulted into war after an incident on the European periphery. Please pray that the same will not happen again 100 years later. > Pray that God will be glorified in a situation where Satan wants to cause destruction.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 12:32:03 +0000

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