We should never cloud what GOD is asking us to do and what GOD - TopicsExpress


We should never cloud what GOD is asking us to do and what GOD wants by our own personal agenda. If we are able to come from our Heart and Soul before our mind then we have True Love to measure things by. The mind has a memory of many good, but as well many bad things. Yes we learn from our mistakes, but the will of GOD Almighty does not come to our mind, it comes to our Soul. The mind tosses and turns things and then makes a decision based on that. The Soul does not analyze, it simply LOVES without exception. The Soul does not know judgement, discrimination, social classes or anything that may worldly define a person. We are all GODS Children and it is up to us to make GOD proud with our actions and our thoughts. This crazy spinning ball is very difficult to navigate without hurdles and stumbling blocks. That is why it is vital to go somewhere alone and pour it all out to GOD without distraction. GOD knows our needs, but wants us to tell Him of our Hearts desires and what we really need. The more clutter we can remove from our conversations with GOD, the better we are heard. The Vital keys are Faith, Love and Charity. Go forth with Love in your Heart, do a Random Act of Kindness for someone today and have Faith that GOD will act on your needs and if you provide these works your Faith will be rewarded. Praying for all periled that GOD sends peace, comfort, healing and miracles............These same Souls are included in the GIGANTIMOUS SPIRITUAL HUG that I send to all that read this...........Your belief makes the HUG manifest.............WE send LOVE and we send CHARITY. We do not expect the HUG or LOVE back...........we send this to help you if you believe. Much LOVE from KP and ME way past any doubt that True LOVE does exist........Just look at what GOD has given KP and ME. We have True Love and it is available to all.............If you give your Love without expectation or requirement. GOD is CHARITY and GOD is LOVE...............LOVE and CHARITY are GOD..........GOD ISNT DEAD..............I simply put out there to you what GOD asks me to say. If you feel it is too long or too winded then just know that I tired,,,,,,,,,,,GOD BLESS ALL.................:-)
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 12:43:21 +0000

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