We, the people of the United States, deserve a government that is - TopicsExpress


We, the people of the United States, deserve a government that is representative of the people. If a campaign costs a billion dollars, that candidate is not representative of his or her constituents. If a corporation cant run for President, its not a person and should not have representation as a person. If the Constitution we adopted as a nation and ratified among the states does not give the federal government certain powers, it is not the right of the federal government to assume those powers. But what is representation of the people? Are we the people only the voices that yell the loudest, or are we all of the people, even the shy person in the corner? Is the shy person in the corner being represented? Because that person may not even realize whats going on. That person may be dealing with juggling which bill gets paid this month and which one gets paid late. That person doesnt have the energy to yell and be heard over the louder voices who drown everything else out. While one person is screaming out this talking point, the person on the other side of the aisle is screaming out their talking point, and the shy person in the corner is simply wondering when they will have their next meal. Is that person represented? When the founders of this country gave power to the states, they knew the states would know best how to govern their people. The states were left to their own sovereignty. Do they still have it? Every President has promised to escalate the war on poverty, but under each President the ranks of the impoverished increase, as does the depth of their despair. Are the impoverished simply a statistic? A number that needs cleaned off the books? Can a candidate with a billion dollar campaign understand poverty? We have a responsibility to the world stage. There are different interpretations as to that role... peacekeeper, economic engine, humanitarian, provider... but all of these things call us to peacefully lead, not to equalize ourselves by losing our very unique exceptionalism. If we are to be the experimental nation, one of our experiments should be to let others fight the battles that plague their own back yards. If the weakling fights the bully and loses, thats a different story. But if the weakling runs away from a fight and doesnt even try, why should we fight their fights for them? Would you lie to your spouse? Would you lie to your neighbor? Would you lie to your parents? Would you lie to your kids? I ask because every time a politician hides the truth, or loses emails, or deflects responsibility, or shreds documents, or says I didnt know, that politician is lying to every spouse, neighbor, parent and child in America. Is that okay with you? How many people do you know who have held the same job for 10 years? 20 years? Most of the people I know have only held their job for 4 or 5 years at a time before they move on. Most of them dont receive regular bonuses or raises in pay. If someone in Congress is supposed to be representative of we the people, why should they be able to hold their positions for decades, and why should they have raises when the rest of the people theyre representing do not? If theyre representing we the people, why dont they pay into Social Security? Why do they have a lifetime of pension and insurance after only one term? When the job ends, shouldnt the benefits? The USA is still a nonprofit organization, is it not? We we find old things we dont need anymore, we throw them out, right? So many Presidents have promised to reform our tax laws, but all they ever do is add to them. Similarly, there are thousands of outdated laws on the books that may never be tossed out because the government is a packrat. Its a hoarder. If your CEO was giving a speech and one of the employees called him a liar right in the middle of it, would that employee keep his or her job? Why do we rally behind people who show no respect for their office, or the office of others? We cheer like each jab is a spiraling football, when actually each jab comes from someone who has dedicated a portion of their lives to public service. Shouldnt that be celebrated and respected? But oftentimes, those who hold the offices are the ones with the least respect for their peers. Are they representative of we the people? What is liberty? Our founders fled their homes to create a new world that would be free of tyranny, no matter where it might come from. Yet how often do we find ourselves at a roadblock, or penalized for our pursuits of life, liberty and happiness? Sure - we are a nation of laws, and we should be. But from where do those laws spring and whom do they affect? Are they proactive, or reactive? Do reactive laws violate our liberty without regard for due process? As we prepare for the 2014 election cycle, its obvious to me that my Presidential campaign is not going to grow. Its too bad. Because if a representative of the people is to be one of the people, I might have been a pretty decent choice. Maybe I should run for Congress?
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 02:08:13 +0000

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