We thought he was just a musician and an immoral when in fact - TopicsExpress


We thought he was just a musician and an immoral when in fact Haiti’s culture is molded with immorality. Many have pointed and crucified him for putting his pants down while he was making a living, but those same people have also chosen not to denounce all those who stripped Haiti butt naked from its natural clothing or wealth. To thoroughly strip a nation from the basic necessities is far worse than an artist wearing a skirt during a routine performance. You may choose to hate him or not to like him, but the truth of refusing to admit that he is by far the best president that my generation has ever known will continue to choke you ad you alone. If you can’t see past his artistic freedom or performances and you’re solely clinging on a few tasteless memories of him then you certainly don’t possess a 20/20 vision, which ultimately will allow you to understand his true love for Haiti and his dedication not to be like those that came before. It is common practice amongst the majority of Haitian people not to recognize the talent of fellow Haitians that they dislike despite the hard core evidence. But, in this instance Michel Martelly has never been just a simple musician that so many Haitians could only detect on the mere surface, but he is indeed a visionary President that Haiti hasn’t had perhaps since the late President Dumarset Estimé. If you wish to get upset or hate on something you may go ahead and do so, kindly and honestly on yourselves for the lack of competence therein throughout the whole country for allowing this so-called musician or immoral man to become the President of Haiti, which perhaps many of you will never get to be in your life time. You can be all mad and irritated, but the fact remains what it is that Michel Martelly is presently the president of all Haitians in and outside Haiti whether you like it or not. Psychologically one can easily comprehend that coming from a dictatorial leadership periods to a democratic era that many Haitians can intensely confuse “Hierarchy versus Democracy”. To my existence this is the first time I and many others have witnessed a Haitian President who travels the world without being ousted in order to sell a better side of the Haiti’s image while putting himself at risk of being scrutinized in giving interviews to whoever who are interested to know about a new Haiti. Of course if your motto or background is to religiously extend your hand out as beggars that you would never partake Michel Martelly’s new vision or ideology for a more independent Haiti. And anyone who disagrees won’t have much to do, but to dig in any national or international archives from which he/she can draw any concrete proof that shows any other Haitian Presidents that have travelled outside the country and made himself available to be interviewed as much as this President or this administration has been. I will add that the desire, the honesty and the determination to succeed for all of us is felt and seen throughout his interviews. This is something that the people of Haiti aren’t used to before; many would prefer to hear “Les vides et beaux discours” in lieu of a president who chooses to express the real problems of Haiti or its people and ways on how we all can embark in correcting them. For far too long we have become a nation who always believes that it takes only a president to magically transform a country without the participation of other elected officials. It is this small mind and the third-world way of thinking that Michel Martelly is on the quest to eradicate with his vision and educational programs for the people. And instead of supporting his positive visions that would very well serve all Haitians the members of the Parliament who were also elected by the very same people who elected Michel Martelly to be the people’s servant have decided to hinder any possible changes that could make the country propel forward. Often those kinds of behaviors and the mindset to obstruct any positive changes are overlooked by many Haitians who are not granted a position to suck on a political bone. Corruptions have always been the fundamental steal frame or foundation of past dictatorships and the fact that now this administration is trying to do things differently is seen like an earthquake who makes the ground unstable to walk on for longstanding corrupted politicians. Anyone who refuses to support an ideology that is good for a populace or for a country whether you like or dislike the person who tries to implement it is the real enemy of change or advancement. So much energy and focus are placed on the Executive branch of the government while little or none has been placed on the Legislative or the other elected officials who swore to serve their country and their fellow citizens. In Brooklyn, New York President less than two months ago Michel Martelly has explicitly expressed to the Haitian people the number of congressional meetings that members of the Haitian Parliament are obliged to do from the time that he was elected and the insignificant amount that actually took place is preposterous. Consequently there seem to be no accredited media outlet in the country that feel the need to enlighten the public and putting as much pressure to those elected officials as they seem to have continually put on Martelly & Lamothe’s administration. However, many Haitians who only see the interest of their beloved country have managed to point out all the efforts made by this administration who seems to be doing with what they can with what they have despite the hindrance of the opposing parties. By watching the attached video interview of President Michel Martelly I saw for the first time a Haitian President who primarily loves his country and his people, second I saw a man who honestly and eloquently responded to all the good and stupid questions that some of the French journalists asked him and I also admit that I couldn’t have done it any better than the way he proudly represented all of us in the interview. The only reason why I have supported him during his campaign and will continue to support him is because his visions make sense and they seem to be logical to some of us who want change in the system. Whether he is able or will be able to do all that he has promised or wishes to do won’t change the fact that his ideology and visions make sense and they are logical to me and to anyone who wants to put an end to corruptions or wants to see a better Haiti. Nevertheless, many of us who have enough common sense have a working knowledge in how politics work and usually we know the bad apples that hinder positive changes. Watching our President being so calmed and relaxed during this forty-five minute interview while replying to a battery of questions that were designed with the intention to put him against the wall made me realize one thing; that it is not all the time the smartness or the intellect of an individual is measured by a piece of paper, rather by his logic and his ability to articulate his visions and ideology very lucidly in a borrowed language. Despite any evidence to the contrary I think it is safe for me to say that Michel Martelly is by far the only Haitian President that my generation has known to represent the country abroad with such a different approach and mindset in terms of seeking international handouts. -Widmack Belot.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 02:25:19 +0000

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