We turn on our t.v.’s news and see violence and misfortune, some - TopicsExpress


We turn on our t.v.’s news and see violence and misfortune, some days it’s worse than others. We hear our elected representatives preach paranoia behind dogmas of social needs and patriotism. Any that stand on any soap box are ridiculed. We say and hear the rich get richer and all smirk when the American dream is mentions like some great con-job we all saw in a popular movie plot. Or kids fight in wars so convoluted no one ever knows what they fought for or worse died for or return home scared or brainwashed into trying to justify immoral acts in an immoral world they once believed could be fair and just in. When people break the rules and talk about what they shouldnt they get shut up one way or another? We hold off for all this to be worth wile that in some way the future will pay off and humanity will again redeem its self. That all the hardest sacrifices for ideology will be not only justified but rewarded in future generations. That’s the ugliest truths we endure now are only going to be transitory and that the glass ceiling we feel creeping so close to crushing us will again rise and fade and open to allow our kids a chance to reap those rewards we envied at one time. I have to ask what if we are wrong that humanity is failed experiment that in 10,000 years outside of tribal cultures, society is doomed to fail. Greed for self serving security over collective welfare is impossible and the status que is a sickness that infects the minds of the frightened with it could be worse if you don’t keep it the same mentality and robs us of the courage to stand apposed and truly ever change. These are the bad questions none like to think about openly, as ugly a thought as our children being violated and our loved ones breaking under the pressure of self indulgent as absolute. Religion tries’ to inspire faith that we haven’t been abandon by a creators love for us, and yet the same religion drown in hypocrisy of feeding the already rich and greedy with absolution too often and excommunication for those that don’t share in its goals for control over mankind’s souls. What price can you put on the hope for redemption; all that has ever been mankind’s failures is dependent on some ends justifying the means of so much pain and ugliness. Tat a life process this is the ugly teen years of arrogance and mistakes that humanity may someday endure past. The rich fear the awareness of how many have been exploited and still are to provide them with privilege and the inevitable outrage that must follow, the poor fear that this cycle will never end for even their children. In between are the small simple joys we cling too, prides and selfless acts of love that seems the only rewards life has to offer must be weighed against a never ending maelstrom of disappointments and fear’s that too often we share a duplicity in creating by either direct acts or indirect fear/doubt to act. Someone asks every so often what is the meaning of life, the only answer I have left is to continue to exist until even that is taken from us by age or misfortune, that maybe there is some kinder existence after this and that maybe just maybe our actions here justify us to evolve so at last we can appreciate so much more than we do here and now and have in the past. That what should be valued most isn’t what privilege we wrestle away from other to stand out or don’t have but simply that we can love one another as equals without the need to feel superior to anything or one ever again. To encourage everyone to reach their full potential and not be fearful of any risks that could impose on anyone but to only know that we all have succeeded when anyone helps one another without self interest being a concern.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 06:11:15 +0000

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