We want to boycott Safaricom products? Do we remember that in - TopicsExpress


We want to boycott Safaricom products? Do we remember that in 2006/7 there was a call on Kenyans to boycott Safaricom IPO? What was the reason? Do we know what happened before we were then told that it was alright and we could move on to buy the Safaricom shares on the IPO? Do you know the Mobitelea story? There lies the issue! We were told the Standard Gauge Railway deal was good, and indeed that it was not an initiative of the UhuRuto but rather the Grand Coalition Government. Now we are told it stinks with corruption. Do we remember a call for referendum soon after the 2013 elections, after a trip to the US? Do we remember that rallies were held allover the country on the same and collection of signature began in earnest? Then it suddenly died without even a mention! Do we remember a weekend when the President, the former President, the former Prime Minister were coincidentally in Kampala on the same day? The Deputy President was away in The Hague and on arrival wrote a letter through his chief of staff opposing the SGR deal, then later became the foremost defender? Do we know about the so called businessman in Rift Valley who allegedly lost the deal on SGR and went ballistic? We want to fight monopolistic tendencies? Really? Why is there no other Manufacturer of cylinders in Kenya? Why did Moi in 1998 reinstate the monopoly the Goverment had withdrawn in 1996, and even moved further to ban importation of cylinders into Kenya by a South African company that was offloading their products into the Kenyan market at a third the production cost of the local monopoly holder? Who is fooling who? Are we so naive and so gullible as Kenyans to be continuously used as fodder in a continuous struggle amongst the political and economic elite in Kenya for opportunity to share the spoils of corrupt deals? I feel abused as a Kenyan citizen? Are we so foolish? UhuRuto is a problem, but the solution does not lie with RaiLonzo. They are simply struggling for spoils of corruption. It is never about insecurity, corruption, ethnicity, blah blah blah as we are made to believe. If the power holders give in to the secrete economic demands behind closed curtains, therein will end the demand for referendum? And who knows, it may have happened for the trio in CORD to climb down from the radical saba saba storm rhetoric to the current infertile referendum call. But this we leave to historians who will write about the current affairs in the future. For now we remain pawns on a chess board of corrupt cartels on both sides of the political divide.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 07:20:16 +0000

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