We were all shocked at the story of the dead and dying animals on - TopicsExpress


We were all shocked at the story of the dead and dying animals on the farm of…Modise,” said Vavi.“It reinforces our insistence that political representatives should not get involved in business. They must choose one or the other, and not try to fight for the poor, while enriching themselves from their businesses.” I am tempted to agree with Cde Vavi on this but then again, I have reasons not to, and the ff are the reason: 1. The issue of dying animals after such gross neglect is basically cruelty against animals and it must never be taken light; its disgusting to say the least, and thos involved must be brought to book. However the less politicized the matter the better. The moment we politicise it the less objective and factual we become. 2. Connecting this issue to a preheld view by the GS, is quite opportunistic and thus the GS overlooks a very important issue which pertains to his job as representative of workers. This is understandable because the GS is under pressure to prove himself to those who have labelled him a sell out, that he can still raise critical issues and speak truth to power. Sadly he failed to in this case. 3. Let me state that there is nothing wrong, absolutely nothing wrong with Cde Thandi Modise taking millions of her own income to buy a farm. R3.6 million to be exact. Infact Cde Vavi must tell us what is the cost of his house in Sandton, if we really want to dictate to people what they must buy or not. With that said as a constitutional democracy, there is nothing that prohibits political representatives from being actively involved in business. Remember not everyone decides to deploy their partners to business, so they can go around with populist rhetoric, barring people from engaging business using themselves as examples telling us their personal incomes, omitting household income that is generally proceeds of capital, through the capitalist partner that our holiness the pure communist deployed to business. 4. What we saw there may be seen as failure by Cde Thandie to follow up on her investment, but equally its thuggery by an employee, and a representative of workers would be expected to touch on this issue. Remember it was not so long ago when the GS went on twitter and voiced his opinion on the matter of a worker not paid enough. Now that a worker is a perpetrator, the GS jumps to attack Cde Thandie, and as I said uses this issue to substantiate a preheld view. This worker who is on the payroll of Mam Thandie as a farm manager left with the responsibility to look after the farm, absconded his responsibility. It must also be said that this happened during a busy time in parliament where Mam Thandi is Speaker of the NCOP. Why didnt the General Secretary touch on this issue of the worker? Do we then say that workers given a responsibility can go awol anytime they want? And Cde Thandie as one who is new in farming did a noble thing by looking for one to manage the farm. This is standard practice by the way. With that said I disagree with Cde Vavis statement.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 18:13:26 +0000

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