We were behaving like we were going to live forever, which is what - TopicsExpress


We were behaving like we were going to live forever, which is what everyone thought in the Beatles days, right? I mean, whoever thought we were going to die? -Beatle Paul McCartney If you want to gain real control over your destiny, you must understand reincarnation and how it works. Its that simple. No one wants to die. Most of us would like to live forever in full vigor, without wrinkles, gray hair, or arthritis. This is natural, because the first and most basic principle of life is to enjoy. If we could only enjoy life forever! Mans eternal quest for immortality is so fundamental that we find it nearly impossible to conceive of dying. Pulitzer Prize winner William Saroyan (author of The Human Comedy) echoed the views of most people when, in the days just prior to his death, he announced to the media, Everybody has got to die, but I have always believed an exception would be made in my case. Now what? Most of us seldom, if ever, think about death or what happens afterward. Some say that death is the end of everything. Some believe in heaven and hell. Still others hold that this life is only one of many we have lived and will live in the future. And more than one third of the worlds population-over 1.5 billion people-accept reincarnation as an irrevocable fact of life. Reincarnation is not a belief system, or a psychological device for escaping the grim finality of death, but a precise science that explains our past and future lives. Many books have been written on the subject, usually based on hypnotic regression, near-death experiences, accounts of out-of-body experiences, or deja-vu. But most reincarnation literature is poorly informed, highly speculative, superficial, and inconclusive. Some books purport to document cases of people who, under hypnosis, have been regressed to previous lifetimes. They describe in detail houses they lived in, streets they walked on, parks they frequented as children, and the names of their former parents, friends, and relatives. All this makes for interesting reading, and while such books have certainly stimulated the everwidening public interest and belief in reincarnation, careful investigations have revealed that many of these so-called past-life regression cases are rife with guesswork, inaccuracies, and even fraud. But most importantly, none of these popular works explain the fundamental facts about reincarnation, like the simple process by which the soul eternally transmigrates from one material body to another. In rare instances when basic principles are discussed, authors generally present their own theories about how and in which particular cases reincarnation occurs, as if some special or gifted living beings reincarnate and others do not. This type of presentation does not deal with the science of reincarnation but introduces, instead, a confusing array of fabrications and contradictions, leaving the reader with scores of unanswered questions. For example: Does one reincarnate instantaneously or slowly, over a long period of time? Can other living beings, like animals, reincarnate in human bodies? Can man appear as an animal? If so, how and why? Do we reincarnate forever, or does it end somewhere? Can the soul suffer perpetually in hell or enjoy forever in heaven? Can we control our future incarnations? How? Can we be reborn on other planets or in other universes? Do good and evil actions play a role in determining our next body? What is the relationship between karma and reincarnation? Coming Back fully answers these questions, because it scientifically explains the true nature of reincarnation. Finally, this book provides the reader with practical instructions on how to come to grips with and rise above the mysterious and generally misunderstood phenomenon of reincarnation-a reality that plays a vital role in shaping mans destiny.    我们活得就象会永远地活下去一样,这是过往“甲壳虫”年代每一个人的想法, 不是吗?我的意思是说,有谁想过我们是会死的呢? --前“甲壳虫”乐队之保罗·麦加迪   如果你想真正的掌握自己的命运,你必须明白轮回以及其过程(就是如此简单的一回事)。   没有人想死。我们都希望可以永远精力充沛,没有皱纹,没有灰发,也没有关节炎地活下去。这是很自然的,因为首要和最基本的原则就是享受快乐,假如我们真的可以永远地享受生活!   人类对永生的恒久追求是这样的基本,要我们想象死亡,几乎是不可能的事。曾经获得普利策文学奖的作家威廉·萨如彦(著作有《人间喜剧》)的临终话语,道出了许多人心中的话。他说:“每个人都要死,而一直以来我都相信我是例外的,但现在又是怎样呢?”我们很少会想死亡(如果有的话),或死后会发生什么事。有些人说,死亡就是一切的终结;有些人相信天堂和地狱的存在;也有些人认为今生只是我们很多次生命中的一次,我们将来也会再次活下去。世界三分之一或更多的人(超过十亿五千万人)承认轮回是生命里不容置疑的事实。   轮回并不是一个信仰体系、理论或是用来逃避冷酷无情的最后裁判--死亡--的心理安慰,而是一门精确的科学,解释我们的前生和来世。这个题目有很多书记载过,多数是基于催眠术、弥留的经验、魂不附体的描述和经验。但大数有关轮回的著作,资料都不完全,流于一般揣测,表面化和没有结论。有些书称记录了一些人,在催眠状态下,回到他们前生的情形。他们详细地形容以前住过的屋子,走过的路,孩提时候常到的公园,前生父母、朋友和亲属的名字。当然,可以用这些资料写成一些引人入胜的读物,这样的书也会引起一般人对轮回的兴趣,甚至令他们相信轮回的事。但详细的调查显示出很多例这类所谓回返前生的事例都是虚构的、不确切的,甚至是骗局。   最重要的是在这些流行的著作里,没有一本解释轮回的基本事实:通过轮回这简单的过程,灵魂永恒地从一个物质身体转生到另一个物质身体。这些作者很少会讨论这基本的原则;即使有,通常也只会提出自以为是的理论,说出在什么情形下有轮回,在什么情况下又不会发生,就好象只有一些特别的或天赋的生物才会轮回,而其他不会似的。这样的著作不但没有说及轮回的科学,反而引出了一连串令人迷惑的虚构和矛盾,留给读者一大堆没有解答的问题。   例如,一个人轮回是刹那间的事或渐进的事或要经过一段很长的时间?其他生物,例如动物,可以轮回到人类的身体吗?人会投生做动物吗?如果会,是怎样的一回事?又为什么呢?我们会轮回不息吗?或者有一天轮回终止?灵魂是否会在地狱永远受苦或是在天堂永远享乐?我们可否控制将来的轮回?怎样去做?我们是否会在另一个星球出生,善事恶行是否会决定我们下一个身体?因果跟轮回又有什么关系?《再回来》圆满地解答这些问题,科学地解释轮回真正的发生。最后这本书给读者提供了一个实际可行的指引,怎样去洞察. 和超越这神秘,又时常被人误解的轮回--对人类命运的形成担当重大角色的真象。
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 15:03:06 +0000

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