We worship a God we read about in a collection of scrolls, all - TopicsExpress


We worship a God we read about in a collection of scrolls, all amassed and placed in a book called the Bible(word of God). We read these amazing stories in which God has a direct link with these people, and in that vain lots of grand things are displayed by God. Now, fast forward to this day and age we are expected to in faith ask Jesus into our hearts and to accept his gift of grace and repent of our sin nature, on what basis do we do this? On what we read from this so called God inspired book, we are called to be born again and to have faith like that of a child. We do this to escape a place of everlasting torment, and get this its our choice to go there. Hmm well given one horriable option and the other one positive dont you think the logical one would be the one with a better outlook? It says in the bible that God is the potter and we are the clay and the clay does not question the one that made it soley because it is the created not the creator. Well then why is it we are made with this Free Will, which in effect causes us to have a sin nature and in turn mistaken and wrong. If God is a perfect creator then why would he make people that go against his grain? So he makes people who are flawed and then blames us for it? Thats like Bill Gates creating an operating system with faults on porpose and then saying it is the operating systems fault. So essentially God blames us for his mistakes. To those Im sure are going to comment, Im not making some excuse to live a sinful life Im looking for the truth. Im looking for a relationship with God. I want to know what Im supposed to do! Reading a book and following its guidelines is not enough for me and neither is everybodies empty words and promises. You tell me its about obeying the word and having faith and then God will reveal himself to me? Then Im told that faith comes from God! So then if its about grace then why am I being told that I have to have intial faith to be saved? That is absurd! So your asking me to blindly believe without some tangible evidence. I mean real evidence not word of mouth or witness accounts. Then Im being told that all the evidence I need is Jesus dying on the cross. My pastor told me that. Ive been observing some of my Christian friends for awhile and let me tell you, they are very worldly. They are so focused on their earthly status, their jobs, their stuff, money, and many other things under the sun. There were times they have blatently ignored me, pushed me aside when I needed a friend the most. Your to busy for certain people if they are not bolstering your agenda but you have plenty of time to sit on Facebook. You use Christ to abolish your responsability and put your conscience at ease by praying about it. So much more could be done by taking action. Im ready for all the flak for what this post brings. Im done praying and Im done trying to interpret the bible. I have weeped and begged for God and all I have recieved was " Read your bible" "Pray more" " Listen for God". Well Im done if God does not reveal himself to me in a real way then I am renouncing my Christanity. So prove me wrong, I sincerly hope you do God and Christians.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 05:35:12 +0000

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