Weed Problems and how to respond to them: Keep in mind my answer - TopicsExpress


Weed Problems and how to respond to them: Keep in mind my answer comes from a long term sustainability approach. Vinegar is a short term solution to a long term problem. The Vinegar at farmers grain is ONLY strong vinegar. It has no other ingredients and is safe for organic gardens. You may be calling “weeds” anything you did not plant. Weeds need to be approached differently based on what they are. You are welcome to ask me about specific weeds and how to correct it. I separate “weeds” into two categories. Grasses and broad leaf plants. Grasses should be pulled and removed from your garden as soon as you see any at all. Bermuda is the worst of them all. The Good news is once you have removed them you will just need to maintain and protect the border. Other weeds most to the time tell you about a deficiency in your soil. God put them in place for a purpose. I would remove them when they are causing a problem for you or plants. I may be offering a class in the next year that would help you learn about the interaction of plants and the soil. A few things you can do to help your weed problem in the long run is: 1. Plant a bush and tree border to your garden wide enough that creeping grass does not come in. 2. mulch your rows around your plants with straw till you cant see weeds or dirt. 3. Never leave your garden without it being covered by living plants you want. You can do this by planting a cover crop over the winter and hot summer months. Cover crops will harvest sun creating top soil, organic nitrogen and keeping the microbial life of you soil alive. 4. Ensure your soil has a healthy balance of PH and nutrients. Nature does not add as many weeds if the soil does not need anything.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 19:30:58 +0000

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