Week 0 Howdy to all of yas that found this EVENTS page! Today - TopicsExpress


Week 0 Howdy to all of yas that found this EVENTS page! Today is Wednesday already.... For some of us, it feels like the week has flown by.... But for other, like those that JUST SAID YOUR see ya laters to your son, daughter, grandchild, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, or other..... the time may seem like its dragggggggggin by.....waitin for that phone call.....that phone call that youre probably gonna race to your phone to make sure ya just dont miss it! When my son left for BMT, I remember the day like it was yesterday......dropped him off at the Base, gave him a hug, and said Never give up son.....I love you......and in the building he went. I sat for a bit in the parking lot....adjusted the seat to get comfortable for my long eight hour trek back home.....turned on the radio.....but heard nothing but the song that played loudly in my mind....ya know the one from TOP GUN? Yeah yeah.....I know that wasnt an Air Force movie, but my mind remembered it had to do with AIRplanes, and that was enough to sync what I had just witnessed and felt upon dropping off my son while on Base. As I pulled outta the lot being careful to make complete STOPS at all stop signs.....and then to make sure I used my turn signal at anything that even so much looked like a turn, my thoughts already were on HIGH ALERT because my son who was soon to be called an Airman in 8.5 weeks said to MAKE SURE I did those things....and I surely didnt wanna jeopardize his repoire by my carelessness. I did goooood! Tooling down the interstate, stoppin to take a pic of this....and then another pic of something else that intrigued me, I thought of how cool these pics were gonna look in his new scrapbook.....his AIRFORCE Journey from the very beginning of his career. I think I made it almost four hours before it hit me......and some of you may be sayin Yep, I know exactly what youre about to say. Well lemme tell ya.....that punch in the gut feeling I got is remembered well....almost a year later.... That feeling of Oh my dear Jesus! Its true! Its for real! Hes really gone.....hes really headed to Basic Training After pulling over alongside the road to work thru this crazy set of emotions I had been overcome with...in clean with reality.....I had a good thirty minute cry.....boohood like a lil school girl....blew my nose til I couldnt blow no more.....wiped my eyes some more....walked around the car a few times.....then screamed like a wild banchee MY SONS IN THE AIR FORCE! The birds and the crickets and the frogs didnt seem to care.....because they kept on with their tweetin and a chirpin and a croakin just like they did before I LOUD N PROUDLY declared my love for the world to hear. The last few hours of the drive home felt surreal. Everyone that I saw or passed, I waved to and gave the thumbs up signal.....just a smilin like Id just won the lottery :) Well the next couple days drug by......wonderin when my son.....my Trainee....my Hero....would be calling....with his new address......the one that I would send a letter to daily. Friday come, and as usual, my hubby and I along with our youngest son, jumped in the car and headed out to dinner. As instructed to do, my phone was turned on LOUD N PROUD, attached to my pocket, and was NEVER to be out of reaching distance......but ready for that ONE important phone call. Putting my purse on the booth seat at the Chinese buffet, I stuffed my phone in my pocket, grabbed a plate and began to fill it full of all kinds of Hibachi grill items for the chef who was patiently waiting to prepare it as ordered. Before I knew it, I had filled my plate to the brim.....and now needed a bowl to hold the sauces that Id yet to put on the overloaded plate! With both hands FULL, and i mean FULL, I walked towards the patient, smiling chef.......smiling ear to ear back at him.....and before I could get to the counter,.....I could feel my phone buzzin in my pocket! Im not sure what expression come over my face other than OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO......but I completely remember the expression that replaced the smile on the Chefs! I was scrambling for my phone....and he was scrambling to save my plates of food, because one way or another, I WAS NOT GONNA MISS THIS CALL! I can laugh about this story now, but it wasnt too funny then. Lol! And that my new friends is how the first few days of my BMT (Basic Mom Torture) began :) What was it like when you said your see ya laters? Has it hit ya that you have a loved one in our countrys finest US Air Force? I bet these images are rollin thru your head about now too. Have ya wondered where youll be when that call comes in? Is your phone velcrod to your hip? We are here for YOU! Let it all out..... Lets chat! -Wingmom Terry
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:32:13 +0000

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