Week 45 / Adventure 3 The turkeys have been roasted, the potatoes - TopicsExpress


Week 45 / Adventure 3 The turkeys have been roasted, the potatoes mashed, pies baked. And what do the grandkids want instead???? Pizza and chocolate cake! Where have I gone wrong? Any way........hope you all had a thankful weekend. Mikes message today asked the following question: Do you suffer from MTD? Jesus countered world views and religious views. The 4 main Jewish groups of His day were: 1. The Zealots. They used violence to get their viewpoint across. Jesus taught forgiveness and servanthood, not violence. 2 The Essenes. They withdrew from everything to stay in their safe little world. Jesus did not isolate Himself, He taught engagement. 3. The Pharisees. They taught that you must believe everything exactly as they did. Jesus challenged them to think outside the box. 4. The Saducees. They used politics to gain power and influence. Jesus gained power by serving and loving. The most prevalent philosophy in the world today is Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. MTD. There are 5 basic points to this. 1. God exists. He created the world and watches over the people in it. 2 God wants everyone to be good and treat others well. 3. God just wants everyone to be happy. 4. God does not need to be involved in your life unless there is a crisis. 5. Good people go to heaven. Col 2:8-10 warns us to be alert to these kinds of false teachings. Most people buy into MTD without realizing it, giving them nothing to rely on when problems do arise. Relying on the political system to solve all our problems buys into MTD. Many tv evangelists teach that God wants us all to be happy and prosperous. Tell that to the homeless, the Christians being killed by terrorists, the poor in Africa......the list goes on and on. We are to shape our lives around the gospel, confronting our human way of thinking, not following popular world views. Jesus needs to be more than our Savior. He needs to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords in every area of our lives, not just a few. Is He? We need to put Gods agenda above our own.....again, in every area of our lives. Do you? Or has some MTD crept into your life? Col 2;8-10 Dont let anyone lead you astray with empty philosophy and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the evil powers of this world, and not from Christ. For in Christ the fullness of God lives in a human body, and you are complete through your union with Christ. He is the Lord over every ruler and authority in the universe.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:58:44 +0000

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