Weekly Five 03 03 2014 1. Exercise Muscle types in our body and - TopicsExpress


Weekly Five 03 03 2014 1. Exercise Muscle types in our body and their influence. There are three types of muscle fibres that will have an influence on our physical abilities. They are: • Type I, referred to as slow twitch. They are the first muscle fibre that is recruited when we need them, are lower in power, but have quite a bit more stamina. • Type IIa which are a mixed between slower twitch and faster twitch fibres which give a more balanced combination of power and stamina. • Type IIx or fast twitch fibres that give a larger recruitment of power, but do not have the stamina capacity of the other two varieties. How these affect performance when we are exercising will vary, but in a simplified explanation, Type I slow twitch fibres are supplied with more oxygen/energy processing ability and will generate less upfront force, but will be able to function at lower intensities for longer periods. The type IIa is a mix, but will generate good amounts of force with certain level of stamina. Type IIx is predominantly a fibre which produces greater amounts of force, but has low levels of stamina, due to a lower oxygen/energy producing capacity. How does this affect performance? Depending on your muscle composition, you will be better suited to longer events when you have the slow twitch fibres, and will have better success at power sports and activities if you have faster twitch fibres. Genetics does play a role in this basic component of your structure, but you do have some training scope within this, as there are many other factors that are involved, like your cardiovascular capacity and how your body recruits the muscles. 2. Nutrition Try brown rice instead of white. Brown white, in comparison is more wholegrain, so it generally contains a larger quantity of fibre for the body. It also tends to be higher in minerals like magnesium. It does take longer to cook, but has a higher nutrition value. 3. Life Tip Turn off the television. It is one thing we choose to do when we arrive home, or just want to switch off after work/family commitments. Try having a conversation with family, or read a book. It will be a better investment long term. 4. Exercise routine of the week Now is the time that everyone is starting to look at local and regional runs that they would like to compete in, like the Gold Coast Marathon (goldcoastmarathon.au). If you are planning to try one of these, here are a few tips to help you get the best possible start. • If you are completing the distance (whatever length) for the first time – you need to be just getting your body used to being on the road with a balanced program that will allow you good balance between adapting to the training, as well as good recovery. o Have one set run as your time on the road run, getting the distance up towards your race aim. o Have two or three runs which can be shorter, sharper, or just again getting time on the road. o I would suggest if you are serious about the event, a minimum of three runs per week is essential. • If you have completed the event before and are looking to improve – you really need to have a more structured plan with set time trials, speed sessions, intervals etc. along the way. o Maintain your time on the road run, getting used to the distance. o Try two or three complimentary runs that have hills involved, have repeated timed intervals of running, or have a variety of speed changes (fartlek). o Every second week of your training, program in a timed run, to keep track of your progress. A balanced program with rest, cross training methods and stretching will ensure you have the best opportunity to get what you want out of the event. 5. Wise Words Don’t go through life, grow through life. Anonymous Have a great week everyone, and enjoy life. David.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:10:40 +0000

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