Weight loss??? Calories are the symptom, not the cause - stop - TopicsExpress


Weight loss??? Calories are the symptom, not the cause - stop blasting the symptom. You are being too hard on yourself. Follow my 3-pillar program below for guaranteed results that will positively impact ALL parts of your life. Please share this so a few more folks can find the simple-steps through all of the marketing smoke and mirrors in the diet industry. Dont be a trainer or participant bombing the symptoms with high impact high intense exercise aimed at blasting calories. The only Biggest Loser will be YOUR Goals when your body eventually breaks down from the high-intensity exercise, you regain weight and get frustrated and depressed with the ineffective rollercoaster. Calories are the symptom not the cause. The GYM is not for blasting calories. The GYM is to restore your body and rebuild a body that functions better, moving well pain free so you can more readily be active and do the things you love. Change the cause of fat accumulation with lifestyle change which comes from behavioral change which is auctioning small habits and doing them more consistently well every day. It is NOT a diet. It is not a 30 minute caloric blast at the gym (arghhh!). A body that functions better helps you use your human vehicle more ALL THE TIME you are away from the gym. COACHES build bodies that perform, they dont blast calories so you can exit the gym and live the same with a body that has not improved. CALOIRIES are burned in a sustainable way for long term consistent body composition not by your trainer but by YOU owning how you live the bulk of your weekly 168 hours outside the gym. Follow my 3-pillar program to guarantee slow sustainable fat loss, a body that functions well, more engagement in life, happiness and pride. #1. Give a shit what you put into the vehicle that carries YOUR spirit which is YOU. Consume REAL natural foods, nutrient dense, high alkaline super foods daily. Tey taste great and feed you health and strength, nourish your cells, stabilize your insulin. #2. Exercise in the gym with the intent and purpose to build a body that functions to its full capabilities. The gym is to empower and prepare your body to perform in life. It is not the place to waste valuable time in the small minutes you can devote per week, on blasting calories. Purposeful functional training asks the whole body to work hard, so caloric expenditure will be a nice byproduct of the exercise, but your fat loss will be successfully achieved by #1 and #3. #3. Find a way to do every day things more laboriously (apply the stairs vrs escalator rule to everything you do all day). Aim to push no buttons, lift things and move your feet. Technological advancements and progression in society today are counterintuitive. Making things EASIER atrophies our body and feeds our apathy. You need to squash apathy, feed passion, love 168 hours a week with purpose, and select the harder way to do EVERYTHING. Carry your grocery bags to the car versus push in a cart. Use a hand tool versus a power tool. Carry a gym bag versus pull one with wheels. Turn your radio dial versus push a pre-set button. Everything. Your success comes from leading yourself through the 168 hours, not from a quick-fix caloric blast in the gym. When you combine 1, 2 and 3, your goal will be met and sustained with relative ease for your entire life. Feeling good is contagious, feeding health and strength into your body gives your mind strength, moving your feet and using your body more laboriously is NATURAL and with a body that is capable, permits you to say YES to activities you LOVE. Be happy. Live eat and move authentically. Avoid the traps modern business monetizes by feeding your apathy and fear. Live with passion and purpose. Anchor to your why and go forth and rock.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 18:05:55 +0000

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