Welcome to the TPPA Discussion Group – NZ. This group is - TopicsExpress


Welcome to the TPPA Discussion Group – NZ. This group is intended as an open forum of discussion for those most concerned about the potential ramifications of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. It hoped that in establishing this group we can promote a fair and fact-based discussion of the TPPA. A goal of this group is to educate all New Zealanders on the TPPA, as a democracy is only possible if the populace is educated on the most pressing issues facing us, such as the TPPA, which encompasses roughly 40% of the world’s GDP, yet which the New Zealand media has yet to adequately cover. The most concerning aspects of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement are: - It is being negotiated in secret, and our Members of Parliament will not even have access to the text until it is negotiated and then approved by the Executive. The only information we know about the deal has come from leaks. - The TPPA will allow foreign corporations to sue our government for their potential lost profits if we choose to enact environmental, healthcare, or any other such legislation which has the potential to hinder the profits of these corporations. - The TPPA is likely to seriously affect PHARMAC, which allows us access to cheaper unbranded medicines (generics) from our doctors at far lower prices than their branded counterparts. - All of New Zealand’s domestic laws would have to conform to provisions in the TPPA if it is signed, and when it is signed it cannot be backed out of easily. - Workers in New Zealand would be in direct competition with workers in other TPPA countries, such as Vietnam, where workers have little rights and very low pay. - The TPPA may have a massive impact on internet freedom, particularly in regards to information sharing and new copyright infringement laws. These are only a few of the biggest worries about the TPPA. For those who are new to discovering the TPPA, It’s Our Future is a New Zealand organisation dedicated to spreading the most important information about the TPPA. They can be found here: itsourfuture.org.nz/ Law Professor Jane Kelsey of the University of Auckland has written numerous articles about the TPPA, some of which can be found here: scoop.co.nz/stories/PO1403/S00429/one-more-time-pm-parliament-does-not-get-to-ratify-tppa.htm nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11307872 scoop.co.nz/stories/PO1406/S00322/tisa-trade-talks-will-lock-nz-into-finance-rules-behind-gfc.htm scoop.co.nz/stories/PO1206/S00186/national-says-yes-to-investor-rights-to-sue.htm An outline of the legal procedure for the assessment and ratification of treaties can be found here: mfat.govt.nz/Treaties-and-International-Law/03-Treaty-making-process/index.php cabinetmanual.cabinetoffice.govt.nz/7.112 And, among the many other great sources of information which could be listed, Lori Wallach of Global Trade Watch has shown time and time again to be an informed and reliable source of information on the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, and other such deals, particularly those promoted in the name of ‘trade’. The organisation’s website can be found here: citizen.org/ DISCLAIMER: This group is intended to be a forum for open and fact-based discussion about the TPPA. IT IS NOT intended to cover any other issues, such as U.N. Agenda 21, or rising police states, or the like, as seems to have recently affected other such similar groups. This is not the place for such discussion, and members are more than welcome to create their own groups for these purposes. If members do not adhere to discussion which is directly relevant to the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement they may be removed without warning. Abusive or defamatory comments will not be condoned, and may result in a member’s removal from the group. Additional Information: Short information videos about the TPPA for sharing: - https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JwqMp1ykbW8 - https://youtube/watch?v=eHpDRJ-fgoo Other groups involved in raising awareness about the TPPA: - https://facebook/ItsOurFutureNZ - https://facebook/groups/TPPActionGroup
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:04:15 +0000

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