Well - what a lurvly day I had on me 64th (will you still need - TopicsExpress


Well - what a lurvly day I had on me 64th (will you still need me?) Pub lunch at Marquis with friends and family (some of em had travelled from Cheshire and Stockport - there ya go!) Back to ours then with some of the party, where we sat out in the garden for tea and cake. (when I finally sat down that was) Wasnt sat down long before folk were leaving! lol ...Anyway ....suddenly, and out of the blue, and unawares, and just like that,- Me, me sistas, and brothers in law, started an impromptu song (that me Dad loved to sing) ...What dya wanna make those eyes at me for .... If we had practised for weeks, I dont think it could have been any better! The onlookers were quite aback-taken! I think we even surprised ourselves. Didnt want it to end, but there ya go. So thankful for friends and family. Well yesterday, me n mester W, went to Cleggy, (cos I like to do that kind of thing on me birthday usually ) BUT first we had errands to do in Mexbro on the way so it got to11.30am when we set of proper like. Bit of a jam cos o roadworks too, but not too bad ..Anyways, We got parked for free on the road near to the toilets (and benches) and enjoyed our corned beef sandwiches (we know how to live we do) Interspersed with waving of hands to the occupants of the Landtrain going past. Quick read of the paper, then off for a v e r y l o n g w a l k to tother end. Cleggy beach might not have driftwood (or sea in some cases!), but it has an abundance of shells ....wheeee - just what I am looking for! As we gathered and gawped and dawdled (wish there had been ag word there for dawdled ....yeah ... new word for the dictionary ..gawgled) .... As we gathered gawped and gawgled BECAUSE OF THE SUNSHINE, I did perceive that there is also an abundance of donkeys in Cleethorpes! Three lots of em to be precise! (£2.50 a stab though ... not that I go around stabbing donkeys). Our VLW came to an end though, because they are building a sea wall defence thingybobs near where the harbour starts. Took some pics, but me new phone is not tuned in to Facebook yet, so you will have to wait and be patient. As well as shells we found a copious amount of seaglass ... some of it was smooth and usable some of it was sharp and downright dangerous! We needed a drink by now and so we hobbled back to the noisy bit, went to the conveniences and searched for a takeaway drink place - which we found - at a chippie on the front. Really nice lad behind the counter - so we sat outside the chippie instead of the benchy part across the road. Took a glug of me tea,and just put it down to say how very needy I was of it, and it spilt!!! The table moved!. Anyway - no more to do, but they gave me another free of charge (that tasted even betterer). As it was nice being treated well, we decided to buy our chips there too. To take away to the benchy part across the road . They even gave mester Wild an extra fishcake for free .... and they were delicious. Will go there again. Sooooo we ate, read the papers, and BECAUSE OF THE SUNSHINE we topped up our tans as we did so! Kenn (aka mester Wild) wanted to move on, and so he did, while I lingered to drink in every bit of seasidey atmosphere I could. And so it was 8pm when we set off. (I wanted to leave later, as the sun really shines in your eyes on the way back.) It was VERY VERY VERY BRIGHT! ...Two great days of celebrating me birthday, and theres today to start on when Ive finished here ...
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 09:32:18 +0000

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