Well Californians, get ready to blow another $100 BILLION or so. - TopicsExpress


Well Californians, get ready to blow another $100 BILLION or so. ...Ground breaking was yesterday: Read this one. ...just...trust me, read it. I usually offer a summary-type commentary to accompany columns I link, but in this case none will do. You can read it in about 2 min: americanthinker/blog/2015/01/california_high_speed_rail_set_to_break_ground_this_week.html This insatiable woody for trains (sorry, I know thats crude - but its also a perfect analogy in this case) that left-wing liberals have is totally inexplicable. And theyre willing to bury us all under a mountain of debt in pursuit of something no one (but them) wants. Its EXACTLY what I said would happen: americanthinker/articles/2013/12/barack_obamas_euro-train-envy.html I wrote extensively about this & TOLD YOU it would happen. We can fly for cheaper, be just as safe & get there in a fraction of the time. But they just dont care. Were going to lose billions & billions on these left-wing ideologues ideals for a perfect world. Its in keeping with their vision for a new world order, wherein our movements are controllable by govt. Then check out this liberal columnists view of the exact same set of data and facts (writer for msnbc): msnbc/rachel-maddow-show/californias-high-speed-rail-matters The fact remains that we can be this kind of country again if we’re willing to make the kinds of investments Obama and Brown support, and Boehner opposes. In other words, Obama & Brown = progressive thinking perfectmen, Boehner = knuckle-dragging conservative neanderthal. But, Mr. Benen, perhaps youd like to offer us a definition of that word investment youve used here. ....Sir, California and the USA are BROKE!! These peoples addiction to spending knows no bounds.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 19:57:35 +0000

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